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adding a Calender

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  • adding a Calender

    I will feature many links to other websites on my website.
    The days that these websites have been existing will increase daily and be tallied on my site.
    I want to place some kind of calender or counting device on my site that will automatically count these days of existence and add on to these days of existence on a daily basis.
    This will save a lot of time and help me to not have to manually move the dates on for each and every website.
    Is something like this possible?
    Best regards

  • #2
    Re: adding a Calender

    Be careful with the number of Outbound links on your website, and be sure to not engage in any Interlinking schemes, however benign you think they are: the Search engines have not relaxed in any way the Core Rules for proper Web Design. Here's some insight of things to avoid when builing your website.

    You can add a Calendar and auto-install it via Fantastico! in your cPanel. There is even a Tutorial to help you deal with Fantastico!

    If you are looking for an analog calendar with a countdown or count-up format, do a Google Search for a script that meets your required parameters .... you can install it on your pages using a BlueVoda HTML Box. Review the Tutorial if need be.

    You have much yet to learn, so do not hesitate focusing on the Tutorials (they often suggest methods and solutions simply by being aware of them).
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • #3
      Re: adding a Calender

      Thanks for your reply.
      I am creating a HYIP Monitor site and therefor it is necessary that I will have to have links to other websites.
      As far as signing up as an affiliate to each of the above mentioned, I suppose I could keep a separate record of all the affiliate links that they provide me with.
      I would appreciate your thoughts on this and any other advice you can provide me with.
      Best regards.


      • #4
        Re: adding a Calender

        It doesn't matter if they are Affiliate links or simply other links: if you have too many outbound links on your site (or more than 1 or 2 on each page), the Search Engines will levy serious penalty on the entire site and upon the Domain itself. Doesn't matter how clever you think yourself to be ... the SE's are inflexible, and they still control the grand scheme of things.
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • #5
          Links on web pages

          Thanks once more for your reply.
          The very last impression that I would like to create is that I claim to be a know-all.
          In fact, it's quite the opposite, I would rather say I am a total newbie when it comes to web design and all the do's and don'ts connected to it.
          Don't get me wrong, I am humble and highly appreciative for all your help!!(meek but hardly weak)

          Question is this, is it wrong for me to think in the region of wanting to start a Hyip monitoring site?
          I've visited quite a few of these.
          They all list many Hyip's and each of these listed names and descriptions of their payout rates are connected directly back to that particular site in a separate window. There are many of them, how do these people do business, are they therefor all penalized?
          You can visit a site like to better understand what I'm trying to get at.

          Perhaps I should rethink my options, should I rather completely abstain from thinking of establishing a Hyip monitoring website?
          Thanks for your help!


          • #6
            Re: adding a Calender

            Personally? I think you're wasting your time ... there are thousands of sites like these that prey upon the dreams and wishes of others, all the while knowing there are so many people in the world that the minimal percentage of those who fall for their pitch is still large enough for them to profit handsomely on. If this site, if this METHOD was so lucrative and worthy, don't you think it would be on the forefront of global business concerns rather than using a boiler-plate website on a server somewhere in Asia (as it is well known how fond Asians in particular are keen on anything "investment" related, especially when talking about penny stocks and seemingly harmless "risks" with potential windfall profits)?? Seriously ....
            Don't you recall how only two years ago the web was shouting FOREX so loudly that no one could hear themselves think? By the time people learned how Foreign Exchange really worked (serious investing requires more money than most can or will ever be able to afford) and how the software programs they all bought into really did not live up to the promises it was too late - they knew they had been taken for a ride.

            More importantly, form the technical side, the fact they ARE on a server in Asia means they are not truly concerned with global SEO or the limitations that the rest of us deal with. They are more concerned with scoring on the LOCAL HUB than they are on the worldwide SERP .... and the fact they convince everyone else to link to THEIR page minimizes their outbound metrics in favor of the volume of inbound traffic from everything from direct hard links to the HTML button and image linking everyone is doing to populate Source Code from their page onto their own. Their IP scores highly as destination for inbound volumes moreso than negatively for their outbound links, but only because they are acting as the source for others.

            Figuring out the nuts and bolts of their "Program" is a lot harder than seeing clearly how they are leveraging the ignorance of others who are distracted by the flurry of numbers and "possibilities" ..... but then, that's the Plan.
            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
            * Success Is Potential Realized *


            • #7
              Re: adding a Calender

              Thanks once more for your very insightful reply.
              It's just that I need to find a way to supplement my income (who doesn't?)

              It's just that this seemed like the ideal, low investment income opportunity.
              For some time now my gmail account has been flooded with thousands of emails from potential online opportunities.
              All of these promise the sun, the moon and the stars, but at the end of the day they mostly turn out to be scams or the selling of some bloke's ebook for him.
              I really am sick and tired of all the hog wash flying around.
              How does one find something truly and honestly feasible?

              I realize that this forum is not a medium to solve this kind of problem.
              Perhaps though, you or someone else could point me in the right direction?

              Best regards,
              Derek D

