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Linking problem error 404

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  • CarbonTerry
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    The name (not title) must be:
    PlusSize (not a good choice because of the use of UPPER CASE)
    Plus_Size (same as above)
    Plus-Size (same as above)
    plus_size (ok)
    plus-size (ok)
    plussize (ok)
    As you can see, the ok choices use no uppercase letters and have no spaces in the name.
    Check out the "Newbie Tips" link in my signature.

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  • ramosw
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    Originally posted by CarbonTerry View Post
    The duplication of "" is in the link that you entered. Delete in the link.
    Your plus size page link ends with .bvp
    It should be .html

    What is the exact name of the plus page ??
    The exact name is called Plus Size.

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  • CarbonTerry
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    You need to make a success and error page and publish them. Here is an example from one of my sites.

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  • gaganseksaria
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    hi, it works now - however - upon submitting the query from the form, it takes me to an error 404 page again. i am not sure how to handle the success and error sections of the form so that this doesnt happen. can you please assist

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  • CarbonTerry
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    The duplication of "" is in the link that you entered. Delete in the link.
    Your plus size page link ends with .bvp
    It should be .html

    What is the exact name of the plus page ??

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  • ramosw
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    Originally posted by ramosw View Post
    I think I beat my brain enough. I'm new at this and some how I having difficult time linking my pages. I tried over and over and I'm still frying my brain. Let me say, my website is, I cannot go from the index to my second page I have no trouble going from my second page to my index page. But when I'm at the index page I cannot go to the page I want to be at. I typed the address as but it does not deliver to my page I want to be.
    Please help?
    If you say I show natproducts twice. How and where can I delete it? I went to my cpanel but I don't know where to look. I still can't link the Index to the page I want the viewers to see? also, I did typed plus_size on my click button. I working with one button this time until I can get it. Then I will do the rest. Thank for being patient. I do appreciated.

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  • D'son
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    Kacienoonan and ramosw, first it is looked down upon to jump someone elses thread even if it is about the same problem. Always start your own so that we can help on an individual basis. Now to try to answer your questions, somewhere you have done one of two things, either the name you saved your page as is different in some way to the one you are linking to (either in the use of caps, spaces (don't use them) or spelling)or the file type is different (.html or .php). You can go into your control panel and check the names and file types of each page (correct the link to match) and check the link address to make sure that you didn't mispell, add spaces or caps. Your links should start with http://www.
    Everything has to match exactly or it will not find the page you want. Check all of these things and you should be golden.

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  • jcaywood
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    From your home page, the link to Plus Size shows as

    You have the twice;
    Is your page named plus or plus_size?
    And the link is to '.bvp' - it should be '.html' (unless it is '.php)

    Also, please remember to start a new thread when you have a question so the originating questioner can get his answer and be on their way.

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  • ramosw
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    I think I beat my brain enough. I'm new at this and some how I having difficult time linking my pages. I tried over and over and I'm still frying my brain. Let me say, my website is, I cannot go from the index to my second page I have no trouble going from my second page to my index page. But when I'm at the index page I cannot go to the page I want to be at. I typed the address as but it does not deliver to my page I want to be.
    Please help?

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  • kacienoonan
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    I typed "*******s" above. It's *******. My link on the index page is spelled the same way as my new page....

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  • kacienoonan
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    I, too, am having an Error 404. I have worked on my site lately and couldn't get my new data to upload. I hit the F5 millions of times but the new info would not load.

    So I decided to create a new page from scratch. I watched all the videos and read through discussion strings but I am still not finding what I am doing wrong.

    I save my page as rabies_*******s_reports in my Blue Voda file. On my index page, I created a link for this page called http://www.jeffersoncountyhealthdepa...*_reports.html

    When save and upload it says its published.

    I then go to Tools to verify links and that tool function is not even responding. So I went into my FTP and saw that on the right hand side my new file is there in bvp and html form. I removed the old page that wasn't uploading.

    Could you please help?

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  • D'son
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    First, your pages are way to wide set the page properties to 800 to 1000 and center the page. Next the link for news on your home page works, you saved the file as News with a capital "N" the other pages it does not work because you are linking to news with a small "n" You have to have all the spelling and upper and lower case letters match the links exactly. Go back and check how you saved each page, correct the links and republish.

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  • Money Steve
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    I have the same problem. I have created a website and named it as an index. It works fine. However the NavBar I created does not work. I tried changing the link from to .php but neither one does the trick. What am I doing wrong?

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  • LadyEye
    Re: Linking problem error 404

    Hi .. you have not applied your link correctly to your little icon ..

    the link needs to be set to

    (All forms are now automatically php)

    You can find your page there

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  • gaganseksaria
    started a topic Linking problem error 404

    Linking problem error 404

    Hi, i have created which works just fine. then recently i added another page containing a form and named it form.bvp and published it. this, i linked to a little icon on the 'ask a question' portion of my homepage on the bottom right corner, but gives a error 404 - cannot open. i am surprised as i did everything in the exact same manner as my earlier pages. in this case, i have restricted the size of the page but that shouldnt mean the page wouldnt be found.

    another issue is about making the email address on my careers and contact page 'clickable, so upon clicking on them, the user configured to for eg outlook gets a new page with the email ready to type an email. can you please assist
