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Files transfer

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  • paulson
    Re: Files transfer

    Go to Fantastico at the bottom of cpanel go to soho launch upload to cpanel & build pages in text editor add images,files ......

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  • Danfate
    Re: Files transfer

    how i can write my web pages?

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Files transfer

    2. Whichever FTP. You can even use BV's one, BlueFTP
    3. In theory, it should be done as for any other database. You go in your old hoster's CP, and export the data, table by table. Before you do so, go in your VH database administrator (phpMyAdmin) and have a look to see what kind of files it can import, then go in your old hoster's database admin and see how it can export.

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  • Dimitri
    Re: Files transfer

    Originally posted by navaldesign View Post
    Hi Dimitri,

    you can load the files whenever you like. I suggest that you do BEFORE, so when you transfer (or point) your site will be ready.
    Got it,thanks.
    You can upload static files (html, php, images etc) using FTP. It is mush faster than File manager.
    Do you mean through FTP manager from the CP ?
    regarding Coppermine, there could be some difficulties: coppermine has to be setup and this can only be done by first installing it through Fantastico.
    To move the pictures, you would need to export your coppermine database content from the old hoster, and then import it in the Coppermine database in VH.
    Can you give me an idea of how that is done?

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Files transfer

    Hi Dimitri,

    you can load the files whenever you like. I suggest that you do BEFORE, so when you transfer (or point) your site will be ready.

    You can upload static files (html, php, images etc) using FTP. It is mush faster than File manager.

    regarding Coppermine, there could be some difficulties: coppermine has to be setup and this can only be done by first installing it through Fantastico. To move the pictures, you would need to export your coppermine database content from the old hoster, and then import it in the Coppermine database in VH.

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  • Dimitri
    started a topic Files transfer

    Files transfer

    Hi everyone
    I am on the process of moving host and right now i`m trying to transfer the domain name.
    The question though is this.
    I have done a back up of all the files (coppermine and so on) i had on the other host on my hard drive,how do i add them on the vodahost and when?
    Do i go on the file manager and upload and where?
    Do they have to be uploaded in the "public-html" folder?
    And when,before or after the domain transfer?

    Have i got it all wrong?