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Add Sound to Page Help please

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  • #46
    Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

    I don't think that is something wrong in my page, I didn't do anything else that you didn't tell me, no scripts was inserted in somewhere else, this is the entire script that I found in the Start of page Tag in my page HTML:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <TITLE>Untitled Page</TITLE>
    <META name="GENERATOR" content="Created by BlueVoda">
    <BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
    <DIV style="position:absolute;left:366px;top:239px;widt h:150px;height:150px;z-index:0" align="left">
    <EMBED ID="intro_mp3" src="" height="0" width="0" hidden="true" loop="true"><BR>
    <FONT style="position:absolute;left:24;font-size:8pt" color="#CCCCCC" face="Franklin Gothic Medium" onmouseover="'hand'" OnClick="StartMeUp()"><B>on</B></FONT>
    <FONT style="position:absolute;left:50;font-size:8pt" color="#CCCCCC" face="Franklin Gothic Medium" onmouseover="'hand'" OnClick="ShutMeDown()"><B>off</B></FONT>
    function StartMeUp ()
    function ShutMeDown ()
    The Producer


    • #47
      Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

      Ok.. now we at least we where the problem is.. time for some feronsic investigative work.. As you will notice above, the HTML code for your page on your BV is some-what different from the one your browser is producing.. !!compare the pair!!..

      1. Lets go back to my page with the video player tutorial... repeat the same, get the source html code and lets see if your browser has inserted those other scripts in it..

      2. Open and see the source of that too.. We are just trying to see if Microsoft told Explorer 7 is do this **** just to confuse the hell out of us.. (As if we are not confused already).

      3. Close Explorer and clean up cookies and temp files.. I'm assuming you know how to do that.. Right click on Explorer Icon, Internet Properties, delete files, delete cookies and so on..

      4. Re-open and try again..

      Please let me know the progress..

      *Note: You can post the Source code for my page here so that I can also compare..


      • #48
        Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

        Allright, So I'll be absent for a lttle bit to try on that, the following is the script in the source of you page, but I don't open it from the web anymore I saved it in my disk so maybe few stuff would be different in the script.

        <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
        <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Media Player Talks to You</TITLE>
        <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
        <META name=AUTHOR>
        content="Media Player talks to you explaining how it functions in when used to play Background music."
        <META content="MSHTML 6.00.5346.5" name=GENERATOR>
        <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
        function SymError()
        return true;
        window.onerror = SymError;
        var SymRealWinOpen =;
        function SymWinOpen(url, name, attributes)
        return (new Object());
        } = SymWinOpen;
        function StartMeUp ()
        function ShutMeDown ()
        <STYLE type=text/css>A.style1:link {
        COLOR: #408080; TEXT-DECORATION: none
        A.style1:visited {
        COLOR: #408080; TEXT-DECORATION: none
        A.style1:active {
        COLOR: #408080; TEXT-DECORATION: none
        A.style1:hover {
        COLOR: #408080; TEXT-DECORATION: underline
        <BODY text=#000000 bgColor=#ffffff>
        style="LEFT: 300px; WIDTH: 400px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 668px; HEIGHT: 145px"
        align=left><IMG height=145 alt=""
        src="" width=400
        align=top border=0> </DIV>
        style="Z-INDEX: 1; LEFT: 204px; WIDTH: 357px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 88px; HEIGHT: 62px"
        align=left><IMG height=62 alt=""
        src="" width=357
        align=top border=0> </DIV><IMG
        style="Z-INDEX: 2; LEFT: 560px; WIDTH: 140px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 11px; HEIGHT: 140px"
        height=140 alt=""
        width=140 align=top border=0>
        style="Z-INDEX: 3; LEFT: 300px; WIDTH: 400px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 129px; HEIGHT: 533px"
        align=justify><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#7f7f7f>Hello..<BR><BR>I am your Media Player.. I am playing the music you
        are hearing now.. I know you can't see me, but that's only because I am told by
        the developer to Hide.. You see, he aint interested in how I look, he just wants
        to hear what I have to say.. Because I'm a good player, I follow the instruction
        and can show myself if I am told to do so.. or just remain hidden.<BR><BR>But
        wait.. What if I get annoying, or talk too much..!! Surely there has to be a way
        to shut me up... Sure there is... And just to be on the safe side, you can
        always turn me back on again.. And to make it even more interesting, you can
        make me play and stop with either clicking on the text or the image buttons..
        it's all about giving you convenience.. As for me, don't worry, I am designed to
        play infinitely and as long as you wont me to.. So, unless you tell me
        otherwise, I'll just keep on playing, and when the song is finished, I'll start
        it again.. Kind of like repeating myself.. kind of like repeating
        myself.<BR><BR>Of course, you can tell me to play different songs, but you have
        to give me a 'PlayList'.. I usually go back to your server, look for your
        PlayList and play the all of the clips listed on it.. But hey, that's a
        different story.. I'll tell you about it another day.<BR><BR>Look below, down
        there, uh huh, where those two big button are.. There you go.. now you are
        stirring me right in the eye... Yes.. I am right here.. see all of these buttons
        and text.. they all live with me in the same HTML box.. But they weren't told to
        hide like me.. So you can see them, oh, and use them.. Go on, try it.. click on
        these guys, that's what they are there for.. The minute you click on them, they
        send a message to the Big Boss.. We call him Mr Script.. He looks kind of weird
        with all them / and " and =.. He always starts with &lt;script&gt; and always
        finishes with &lt;/script&gt;.. You see.. when you click these buttons or text,
        it's like pinching the boss in a particular spot, that spot could be 'Play' or
        'Stop' so when you pinch the Stop button, the script boss comes running to me
        ordering me to stop and so on.. Mr Script's job is to get me to do stuff. So..
        All of these play and stop text and button are just triggers to get the script
        to control me, the media player.<BR><BR>Click on these <I>controls</I>&nbsp; to
        start and stop the music. You can click on text as well
        style="Z-INDEX: 4; LEFT: 364px; WIDTH: 263px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 684px; HEIGHT: 110px"
        align=left><EMBED id=CarlosPlay
        src= width=0 height=0
        type="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" loop="true"><BR><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; LEFT: 24px; POSITION: absolute" onclick=StartMeUp()
        face=Tahoma color=#cccccc><B>PLAY</B></FONT> <FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; LEFT: 200px; POSITION: absolute" onclick=ShutMeDown()
        face=Tahoma color=#cccccc><B>STOP</B></FONT> <IMG
        style="LEFT: 10px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 50px" onclick=StartMeUp() height=60
        alt="" src="" width=60
        align=top border=0 ;> <IMG onmouseover="'hand'"
        style="LEFT: 190px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 50px" onclick=ShutMeDown()
        height=60 alt=""
        src="" width=60
        align=top border=0 ;>
        function StartMeUp ()
        function ShutMeDown ()
        style="Z-INDEX: 5; LEFT: 283px; WIDTH: 1px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 64px; HEIGHT: 2860px"
        align=left><IMG height=2860 alt=""
        src="" width=1
        align=top border=0> </DIV>
        style="Z-INDEX: 6; LEFT: 277px; WIDTH: 1px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 64px; HEIGHT: 2860px"
        align=left><IMG height=2860 alt=""
        src="" width=1
        align=top border=0> </DIV>
        style="Z-INDEX: 7; LEFT: 265px; WIDTH: 1px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 64px; HEIGHT: 2860px"
        align=left><IMG height=2860 alt=""
        src="" width=1
        align=top border=0> </DIV>
        style="Z-INDEX: 8; LEFT: 300px; WIDTH: 400px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 835px; HEIGHT: 365px"
        align=justify><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#7f7f7f><B>The
        Script<BR></B>So how did I become into existence.. how was created and how can
        you clone me..?? It simple, below is my Generic Code, my DNA or whatever you
        want to call it.. Some things may need to change, and some things must change,
        but some things should never be touched.. Everything is color-coded for your
        convenience.. So here's the deal:<BR><BR></FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px"
        face=Arial color=#000000><B>The Black Stuff:</B> Don't touch or change.. if you
        do, I might get real mad and refuse to play.<BR></FONT><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#ff0000><B>The Red Stuff:</B> You must
        change this stuff or I might get lost and not find anything to
        play.<BR></FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#32cd32><B>The
        Green Stuff:</B> You can change this stuff if you like.. it might be the
        coordinates where things are placed and how they look.. oh, and that includes
        me.<BR><BR></FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#7f7f7f><B>And
        all of this stuff needs to go in a HTML Box you open by clicking on the HTML
        Icon on the left side menu in your BlueVoda Site Builder.<BR></B><BR><I>In all
        circumstances, this is not an Atomic Bomb Experiment.. It can't explode.. If you
        get it wrong the first time, your dog will still be alive and, I promise you, no
        charges will be laid against you.. So, go for it.<BR><BR></I>There will some
        explanatory comments explaining the script.. These comments are contained
        between // and end with //.. So, do not copy them into the code.. <BR>Here's the
        style="Z-INDEX: 9; LEFT: 302px; WIDTH: 400px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 1187px; HEIGHT: 1737px"
        align=left><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#7f7f7f>//Here you can
        change the ID.. This is my Name.. so you can call me whatever name you like, but
        remember, you must call me a name that no other object in your page has, and if
        you decide to call me a name, will you make sure you also change my name in the
        script below.. Many people forget to do that, and dude, that's trouble, if you
        don't change my down there where the big &lt;Script&gt; Boss is, he will go
        looking for another media player and will never find it, so he wont do a thing..
        Now, see that 'src'..?? well, that's an abbreviation of the word 'Source'..
        That's where I go get music from.. If you don't put the correct address for the
        music file location, I'll come back empty handed and not play a thing..
        Remember, to publish your page, I can only get a file from a server.. so the
        music file must be stored on your server.. You see, servers are the only place
        I'm allowed to go get music from.. Here is some useful stuff:<BR></FONT><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#0000ff>hidden="true"</FONT><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#7f7f7f>.. that tells me to hide and
        play in the background.. <BR></FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#0000ff>loop="true"</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#7f7f7f>.. that tells me to start again every time the clip finishes.. So
        yes, I am totally loopy.. But if you don't me to loop, then all you have to do
        is change the </FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#0000ff>"True"</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#7f7f7f> value to </FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#0000ff>"False"</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#7f7f7f>..<BR>Notice how we left the width and height at "0"..?? well, if
        I'm going to be hidden, what's the point in giving me
        dimensions..??//<BR></FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000><BR>&lt;EMBED ID=</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>"CarlosPlay</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000>" src="</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#000000>" height="0" width="0"
        hidden="true" loop="</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>true</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000>"&gt;&lt;BR&gt;<BR><BR></FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px"
        face=Arial color=#7f7f7f>//What do you know... That's all for me.. I'm in...
        that tiny little script line up there is you need to create and customize me..
        Easy enough..?//<BR><BR>//Look.. It's only normal text... Note the two
        &lt;FONT&gt; Lines below.. You can get those anywhere, even at the Sunday
        markets.. All you have to do is place them where you want to them to appear on
        your page.. Now remember, if you are going to adjust where to place objects, you
        have to give them "position" attributes.. You tell it where you want it to sit
        and how many Pixels from the left and the top.. Oh, what about right and
        bottom.. No need.. If you can define the left and top the rest will fall in
        place automatically based on the size of the object.. right? In other words, you
        can tell it where to start, but it will end where it ends.. But hey, that's only
        for text..??<BR><BR>//I bet you're asking, what's with the Onmouseover and
        Onclick stuff..?? Well.. they tell this text how to behave itself... You see,
        when you point your mouse over the word 'PLAY' the mouse changes to 'Hand'..
        because it's been told to do that... But more importantly, Onclick="StartMeUp(),
        is like a call to the big boss, Mr Script.. when someone clicks the word play,
        it yells out: <I>'Oi, boss, can you find out what this StartMeUp is..? </I>So,
        the script then looks for the meaning of the 'startmeup' phrase and finds that
        it means that the player, that's me, needs to start, so he, the boss, comes out
        with his stick and makes me play that file.. Lucky enough, I only have to get
        the file from the server once, because your computer stores it for me and I just
        play it again.. Saves me allot of time traveling to the server downloading your
        music every time.. right??//</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000><BR><BR><BR>&lt;FONT style="position:absolute;left:</FONT><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#32cd32>24</FONT><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#000000>;font-size:</FONT><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#32cd32>9pt</FONT><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#000000>" color="</FONT><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#32cd32>#CCCCCC</FONT><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#000000>" face="</FONT><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#32cd32>Tahoma</FONT><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#000000>"
        OnClick="StartMeUp()"&gt;&lt;B&gt;</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px"
        face=Arial color=#32cd32>PLAY</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        style="position:absolute;left:</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>200</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000>;font-size:</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>9pt</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#000000>"
        color="</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>#CCCCCC</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000>" face="</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>Tahoma</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000>" onmouseover="'hand'"
        OnClick="ShutMeDown()"&gt;&lt;B&gt;</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px"
        face=Arial color=#32cd32>STOP</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#7f7f7f>//Look.. it's the same thing,
        but now we are using an image instead of the text.. And look, it's all the same
        with the image behavior with mouseover and onclick.. See..?? You can use any
        image as a Play or Stop button to get me started or stopped.. Pssst, did you
        know that you can even use rollover images..?? All you have to do is create you
        rollover and then insert eh Onmouseover and Onclick strings in the
        HTML//<BR><BR>//Remember how text dimensions are set automatically and you only
        need the Left and Top attributes.. with Images, it's the same, except for the
        image dimensions will be inherited in the HTML as width and height.. If you
        change those, then you change the size of the image.//</FONT><FONT
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#000000><BR><BR>&lt;IMG
        src="</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#ff0000>play.gif</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000>" alt="" align="top" border="</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px"
        face=Arial color=#32cd32>0</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000>" width="</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>60</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#000000>"
        height="</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>60</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#000000>"
        style="position:absolute;left:</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>10</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000>;top:</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>50</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#000000>";
        onmouseover="'hand'" OnClick="StartMeUp()"&gt;<BR>&lt;IMG
        src="</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#ff0000>stop.gif</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000>" alt="" align="top" border="</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px"
        face=Arial color=#32cd32>0</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000>" width="</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>60</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#000000>"
        height="</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>60</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#000000>"
        OnClick="ShutMeDown()"&gt;<BR><BR></FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px"
        face=Arial color=#7f7f7f>//Look down there.. if it aint the good ole Mr Script
        himself..!! He's really simple.. yet, he's the boss.. See, The &lt;SCRIPT&gt;
        carried around with him a list of all the things he has to supervise.. In this
        case, he is the boss and I, the Media Player, am the employee.. He has two
        'functions' that he gets me to do all the time.. I try to run away and hide from
        him.. I even try to disguise myself, but no success.. he knows me by name.. See
        how he's got my name 'CarlosPlay' then the action '.play'.. Every time someone
        hits the 'PLAY' Button or Text the boss look at this and says: uh huh, better go
        get CarlosPlay to start playing... and every time someone hits the 'STOP'
        Button, he shuts me up... Those two brackets () are nasty.. they mean action,
        and nothing goes ahead without them.. Now remember if you change my name up
        there, you have to change my name down here too, or the boss wont find me.. yes,
        less work for me, but hey, that means your page will be faulty... Oh, and one
        more thing, My name is case sensitive.. It's got to look identical every time..
        Just between us.. The boss is real dumb and can't do a thing unless he has it
        all in writing so accurately, one missed letter and he goes
        coocoo..//</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000><BR><BR><BR>&lt;SCRIPT&gt;<BR>&lt;!--<BR><BR>function StartMeUp
        ()<BR>{<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>CarlosPlay</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#000000>.play();<BR>}<BR><BR>function ShutMeDown
        ()<BR>{<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        color=#32cd32>CarlosPlay</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial
        style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#7f7f7f>And that's all there is to it
        folks.. So next time you want to have background music in your pages, just
        remember all of use guys that work real hard to keep you and your visitors
        entertained and happy.. Not to mention we can play movie clips, have dynamic
        banner ads and do all sorts of good stuff.. All we ask is this:<BR><BR>1. Always
        give credit to the source of the music you play, it makes us feel good about
        ourselves to know that we work for someone who is well mannered.<BR><BR>2. I'm
        only just a media player, so please be careful not to make me carry long heavy
        clips, they take a long time to load and your visitors may be waiting for a long
        time for me to come back with the goodies.. Why not just give me something nice
        and simple and make me loopy..!! Those guys with dial up get mad at me when they
        have to wait a long time and they abuse me.. Even though it's not my
        style="Z-INDEX: 10; LEFT: 543px; WIDTH: 184px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 2899px; HEIGHT: 29px"
        align=right><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" face=Arial color=#7f7f7f>Regards from
        your media Player<BR></FONT></DIV>
        style="Z-INDEX: 11; LEFT: 234px; WIDTH: 492px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 2897px; HEIGHT: 1px"
        width=492 color=#bfbfbf noShade SIZE=1>
        style="Z-INDEX: 12; LEFT: 288px; WIDTH: 245px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 2899px; HEIGHT: 27px"
        align=left><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 9px" face=Arial color=#586d7e>Backgound
        Music: I'm Blue. By Eifel 65.<BR></FONT></DIV>
        <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
        var SymRealOnLoad;
        var SymRealOnUnload;
        function SymOnUnload()
        { = SymWinOpen;
        if(SymRealOnUnload != null)
        function SymOnLoad()
        if(SymRealOnLoad != null)
        SymRealOnLoad(); = SymRealWinOpen;
        SymRealOnUnload = window.onunload;
        window.onunload = SymOnUnload;
        SymRealOnLoad = window.onload;
        window.onload = SymOnLoad;
        The Producer


        • #49
          Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

          It looks like something is adding that code to your pages..

          Norton would be the biggest suspect.. Are you running Norton Firewall..?? 'Sym' is a term often used by 'Symantec'..

          If you are using it, turn off your firewall and lets see what happens.
          Secondly, I don't even know why people bother with Symantec products..!! They are costly and unseful.. more so, they are nothing but trouble including the AV and Firewall... Many Machines come with Norton installed on them... This lousy software is so difficult to get rid of and it doesn nothing but hinder the user. (I had my bitch about Symantec)..

          The code that is inserted appears to tell the machine not to load pictures or refresh pages with certain specs..

          Lets first find out who is doing it, and then we can deal with it..Try shutting off firewall.


          • #50
            Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

            Hey ez ez, I'm not a genius into computer configurations but This version of explorer remove cookies automaticly after closing the browser, BUT I discover someting in the Advance Tag of explorer Properties, there is a thing which attracted me.

            A box having : Disable script debugging (internet explorer) which is checked

            Another box having : Disable script debugging (other) which is not checked

            A box with : Display a notification about every script error which is not checked

            I was thinking about the second one, what you think?
            The Producer


            • #51
              Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

              Yeah I know about that probs with firewall, it's always off in my machine, I have just Norton because I download a lotta things and I have to scan them before installing them as well as I got probleme before with ad wares and I have personal Docs everywhere in my computer, so I can't really get rid of my anti virus, but Sym, noway, I don't bother myself with it neither firewall
              The Producer


              • #52
                Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                Yes, enable both in fact..
                We can always restore default settings..


                • #53
                  Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                  Dude.. I dont want to be too judgmental.. But if I was wearing your ***** I would be kicking Norton out of my machine and installing 'AVG Anti Virus' instead.. They have a fully functional free version.. Google it and look for yourself... I am 90% sure that Norton is doing this to you..

                  It's important that you run my page from the web.. not from your pc... Does it work fine..??


                  • #54
                    Re: Add Sound to Page Help please


                    Yours is working perfectly, but just a question, can you open my page and tell me if mine is working for you?
                    The Producer


                    • #55
                      Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                      Your page is working fine... music can be heard and on/off are working fine...
                      I am now puzzled as to why my page is working on your pc but not your page... Surely there has to be something there that I am not seeing.. Norton sounds like a propable cause, Explorer settings can be a problem too.. but if thats the case, why is it allowing my site to run, but not yours... That's what I need to resolve whatever little brains I have..

                      I am unable to understand why my on/off buttons work, and your wouldn't... Norton is bad, but is it discriminate..??!!..

                      A good thing to do now is to open norton and check the settings on it to see if there's anything that can be modified...

                      I'm also going to do some research.. But it's cool.. we just have to chill and get it sorted some how.

                      Update me after you've checked norton please.


                      • #56
                        Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                        Here we are, find below my browser properties in advance Tag how is it before I check the box you told me to do so, can you take a look at it and tell me if something is wrong?

                        I divised it by parts to let you see all boxes
                        Attached Files
                        The Producer


                        • #57
                          Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                          I'll check norton an I will get back to you mate
                          The Producer


                          • #58
                            Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                            There is a box with Enable Script blocking in Norton system, you think is that one?
                            The Producer


                            • #59
                              Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                              Has anyone suggested going back to IE6. I have heard plenty of discourse with the new 7 beta. For example- someone else's may work fine because their IE 7 is not in conflict with any components, software etc.. where yours may be having a conflict with something on your computer thus snowballing.....

                              Your page works fine with me (IE6)

                              Or- try this: shut off system restore. Uninstall IE7. Clear all temp files. Restart computer. Re-install IE7. Make sure all windows updates are installed. Then try page again.

                              Just a pennies worth.

                              PHP- is a blast!


                              • #60
                                Re: Add Sound to Page Help please

                                Thank you ez ez, Thank you Andy,

                                But I guess, I've send a thread talking good about IE 7 beta, and Andy and Voda said that it has so many problemes, I didn't believe that until NOW, I will do some installement and uninstallement and I'll let you know guys.

                                If I find that Bl**dy IE 7 who did all that ****, I will beat it.

                                Thanks again guys
                                The Producer

