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Email Riddler

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  • Huxlay
    Re: Email Riddler

    Now that Blue Voda 11 has the CAPTCHA tool already included, this riddler tip is really not needed anymore, is it?

    It seems much easier and better looking just using the icon in BV to add CAPTCHA to my Form.

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  • dandia
    Re: Email Riddler

    Alien Dude thank you for the tutorial. Sometimes I feel so stupid, I have watched this tutorial 50 times I have looked and looked but I still have no idea what I would put in the script to change the font style to comic sans ms 10 in red to match the rest of the page. I thought I woud try an image instead but I couldn't get that to work either, I know it is me!! Could you give me bomb proof instructions to change the font and colour?
    link to what I ahve done already:
    Many many thanks


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  • Alien Dude
    Re: Email Riddler

    Sorry about that the website has been de-funked.
    How ever the tutorial has been moved to HERE

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  • Jeffner
    Re: Email Riddler

    I checked also and the demo is missing. However, I also noticed that the original post in this thread is almost 2 years old so I suppose it's not surprising. Too bad ...

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  • kakabo
    Re: Email Riddler

    Where is the demo view? Want to put an e-mail link on my website. I've clicked to view the demo, but it's rather something else. Is it gone?

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  • coffeegourmet
    Re: Email Riddler

    Thanks for the trick, I put in on both of my sites! Hopefully it will cut down on my spam email that I get every day! :)

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  • LadyEye
    Re: Email Riddler

    Sorry about that there was a redirect on the link all good now.

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  • idesignt
    Re: Email Riddler

    link does not open

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  • idesignt
    Re: Email Riddler

    Originally posted by Alien Dude View Post
    Just a little demo for those who wish to use email contact on your pages.
    this shows you how to use and put the encrypter script on your page.

    i tried to open the view demo and it wouldnt open to see how it works

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  • specialtiesbarbados
    Re: Email Riddler

    Thanks, Alien Dude,

    Have been looking for something like that. Any idea as to how to make it work with mouseover navbar? I get it to work with my 'contact us' navbar but then the mouseover doesn't work.

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  • Scythian
    Re: Email Riddler

    Alien Dude,
    your tip is just great.

    I created this anti-spam e-mail-box
    in my site's contact page, with a picture
    I designed on purpose.

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  • davidundalicia
    Re: Email Riddler

    Nice one dude, can I use this video on my new website please ?¿

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  • Scythian
    Re: Email Riddler

    I guess it's much better than having a "contact form" like I have now...

    I will try to install this, Alien Dude.

    Thank you.

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  • karenwms63
    Re: Email Riddler

    Thanks Dude!

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  • Alien Dude
    started a topic Email Riddler

    Email Riddler

    Just a little demo for those who wish to use email contact on your pages.
    this shows you how to use and put the encrypter script on your page.