Taking a snapshot of your screen:
1) To take a snapshot of what is on your screen simply hold down the CTRL key and tap the PRINT SCREEN key.
2) Snapshot done, now you just have to save it as a pic by following these easy instructions.....
Saving your screenshot as a picture:
1) Open the Windows Paint Program.
2) Hold down the CTRL key and tap the letter V. You will see your snaphot appear on the empty paint page
3) You may have to grab hold of the pic by holding down the left mouse button and then move it around slightly so that the desired area of the snapshot is in view.
4) Goto the file menu and select the Save As option.
5) A normal Save box will appear (displayed below). Enter any filename but see step 6 before clicking the OK/Save button.
6) See the screenshot below. Immediately below where you have entered the filename is a drop down menu. By default its says that the file will be save as a .BMP .. This is bad. Pull down the menu and select .JPG as in the diagram below.

7) Good, hit the OK/Save button and remember which location on your hard disk the file has been saved to. This will normally be My Documents. Your screenshot is now saved.
Posting your screenshot in a forum message:
1) Find your saved file and put it in the folder that contains your website.
2) Publish the file as you do with any other file ... Example: http://www.yoursite.com/pic1.jpg
3) Alternatively you may have a PhotoBucket account or similar. The pic can also be uploaded there.
4) Then, make a note of your picture website address and post a new thread or reply on any forum.
5) In that new thread/reply type the follwing... (IMG)(/IMG) ... IMPORTANT: Replace my curved brackets with square ones like these... [] (Couldn't be done here or the IMG's wouldn't display, you wouldnt see them).
6) In between the IMG tags insert the web address for you picture... It should like this (IMG)http://www.yoursite.com/pic1.jpg(/IMG)
7) Dont forget.. Square brackets not curved ones
You are done. When the message is posted your pic will display.
1) To take a snapshot of what is on your screen simply hold down the CTRL key and tap the PRINT SCREEN key.
2) Snapshot done, now you just have to save it as a pic by following these easy instructions.....
Saving your screenshot as a picture:
1) Open the Windows Paint Program.
2) Hold down the CTRL key and tap the letter V. You will see your snaphot appear on the empty paint page
3) You may have to grab hold of the pic by holding down the left mouse button and then move it around slightly so that the desired area of the snapshot is in view.
4) Goto the file menu and select the Save As option.
5) A normal Save box will appear (displayed below). Enter any filename but see step 6 before clicking the OK/Save button.
6) See the screenshot below. Immediately below where you have entered the filename is a drop down menu. By default its says that the file will be save as a .BMP .. This is bad. Pull down the menu and select .JPG as in the diagram below.

7) Good, hit the OK/Save button and remember which location on your hard disk the file has been saved to. This will normally be My Documents. Your screenshot is now saved.
Posting your screenshot in a forum message:
1) Find your saved file and put it in the folder that contains your website.
2) Publish the file as you do with any other file ... Example: http://www.yoursite.com/pic1.jpg
3) Alternatively you may have a PhotoBucket account or similar. The pic can also be uploaded there.
4) Then, make a note of your picture website address and post a new thread or reply on any forum.
5) In that new thread/reply type the follwing... (IMG)(/IMG) ... IMPORTANT: Replace my curved brackets with square ones like these... [] (Couldn't be done here or the IMG's wouldn't display, you wouldnt see them).
6) In between the IMG tags insert the web address for you picture... It should like this (IMG)http://www.yoursite.com/pic1.jpg(/IMG)
7) Dont forget.. Square brackets not curved ones
