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Troubleshoot my Contact Page

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Troubleshoot my Contact Page

    If your form works, this means that someone / something opens (visits) your action page. This can be either a visitor with Javascript disabled (so your validation, is useless) OR a bot (a Search engine Crawler visiting your site).

    This results in activating the script and sending you a blank email.

    If you use the new BV 10.12, you can avoid this.
    Double click the form and check the "Use Built in Form Processor" checkbox. Type your email address as well as error and success page URLs. You need to build these pages. This will embed in your page, when published, the necessary php code. Save and publish as PHP. The code used prevents submission by simply visiting the page, it only send an eamil with actual submissions. However, it will NOT prevent submissions by persons, that have Javascript disabled, and just want to "see" how your form reacts. Only php validation can do that, as ABVFP does.

    At this point remove the code you had pasted in your "acttion" page, or you will be receicing a second, blank email, with each real submission.

    Last, create and publish a "error" page.
    Change your

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  • PressurePro
    Re: Troubleshoot my Contact Page

    *** Update ***

    Just found the thread about setting tab orders. Got that fixed. What an easy fix! Still need help on the first part though.

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  • PressurePro
    started a topic Troubleshoot my Contact Page

    Troubleshoot my Contact Page

    Hey guys! My website is . I'm having some weird issues with my contact page. IT WORKS! Let me start off with that one. But, several times a day I get a blank contact from my website. The header looks good, but in the message body all it says is "Values Submitted From Website". This is unusual being that in order to hit the "Submit" button, I require certain things to be filled out.

    But most importantly... When someone is filling out the form, I would like for them to be able to hit the tab button to go to the next field, instead it jumps all over the page, even outside of the form. Is there a place to set the "tab order"?

    Last edited by PressurePro; 06-05-2008, 11:42 PM. Reason: spelling error