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Error Message Not Displaying in Form

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  • leekwanleong
    Re: Error Message Not Displaying in Form

    Hi ... thank you for the tips .... It did not work ... I think someone has to see whether there are bugs in the software ...

    Anyway ... I found a round about way ... I just created a form from the form wizard (as oppose to the one that is from scratch) ... just cut those boxes that I want and paste it on my form ..... don't know why it works ... but glad that it works ....


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  • D'son
    Re: Error Message Not Displaying in Form

    Double check the encoding type is set to multi-form in the properties.

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  • leekwanleong
    Re: Error Message Not Displaying in Form

    Thanks David ... in my case ... as stated in the 1st posting, I have checked all the boxes under the "validate" tab of combobox properties .... which means an error message should display .... if one forgot to check one of the boxes ... when submitting a form.... this is what it should do but it didn't ....

    Can anyone help ?? THanks...

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  • davidundalicia
    Re: Error Message Not Displaying in Form

    Originally posted by leekwanleong View Post
    Hi D'son... Thank you for replying ... I have tried to bring each of the combobox by right click each and then click "Move to Front".

    I then saved .... then proceed to publish .... after I published .... I tried the page out without checking any answers ... when press submit button .... still .... they allow it through with a success page display..... without any error message ....

    Anything else I should try ?
    The above result is NORMAL......with multi-choice questions, if a box is not checked, it will not send back any info and it thinks it was OK.....

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  • leekwanleong
    Re: Error Message Not Displaying in Form

    Hi D'son... Thank you for replying ... I have tried to bring each of the combobox by right click each and then click "Move to Front".

    I then saved .... then proceed to publish .... after I published .... I tried the page out without checking any answers ... when press submit button .... still .... they allow it through with a success page display..... without any error message ....

    Anything else I should try ?

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  • D'son
    Re: Error Message Not Displaying in Form

    Try this, set the tabs for your form. Right click on the first box you want them to use and click bring to front, repeate for the others in order, save and republish.

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  • leekwanleong
    started a topic Error Message Not Displaying in Form

    Error Message Not Displaying in Form


    I have created a form called "". In the form, I have 7 comboboxes, each with 4 options/items ("General tab").

    When I fill in the details in the "combobox properties" of each combobox, I add in 4 items which are "not selected" ("General Tab"). I then proceed to the "Validate Tab" of the "combobox properties". Here, I checked "Custom Error Message", "Selection Required" and "Disallow first Choice". Then I type in an error message.

    The PROBLEM now, is that : when I published the page, I tested it without selecting any answer from either one of the 7 comboboxes and pressed "Submit". It was submitted and an email sent plus a success page being displayed. It seems that the "custom error message" did not work and the "disallow first choice" function also did not work.

    Can you help ?? If you want to see the published page, please go to :

    Please reply urgently. Thanks.