Form AND Page Problems due to the form!

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  • davidundalicia
    Re: Form AND Page Problems due to the form!

    I believe that if you go into page properties
    (double right click on a blank area of your page)
    change the file extension property to php
    then republish....that should get rid of the php code on the top of your page.

    You will have to change the link/links to that page also i.e. pagename.php

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  • DM Owner
    started a topic Form AND Page Problems due to the form!

    Form AND Page Problems due to the form!


    This is a 2 part problem and I have asked the first question before but the only answer I got (although a good one) didn't fix the problem so here I go.

    1. I cannot get the submitted form data into my email from the website. It only shows:

    -A bunch of non-sense characters then:
    -Values submitted from website: and its nothing

    2. On the top of my form page as you will see when you go here. There is a ton of random characters which do not show up in my blue voda webpage maker. When I preview it from there its all perfect but after I publish the page looks like this.

    Please Oh Please help me!

    Thanks in advance!

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