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Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    Originally posted by Paulk2 View Post
    I tried sending this before but it got deleted - no explanation.
    Here goes...
    I cannot enter the Administration Area to log on. When I enter in my browser and click to enter I get my www.parentprakopins.index.html page not the Admin log on page.
    This is a new problem because until recently everything was OK. BTW - the forms on the website are still working just fine its logging into the Admin Area that's the problem.
    I did submit a Support Ticket on this a few days ago and have since requested some response. No solution received yet.
    Regarding not being able to log in the administration area: probably you have accidentally published your site "index" page in the ABVFP folder.

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2


    1. The only file that actuall process the form is dbts_abvfp.php . All the code is there, the other files are only used for the administration.
    2. Just add, in your form, one or more Upload fields. ABVFP will process them automatically.
    3. It is good to have both balidations, the BV Javascript one for real time validation, the ABVFP one for hackers / spammers.

    Please note that although ABVFP is freely available, we can't provide support for non VH hosted sites.

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  • Paulk2
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    I tried sending this before but it got deleted - no explanation.
    Here goes...
    I cannot enter the Administration Area to log on. When I enter in my browser and click to enter I get my www.parentprakopins.index.html page not the Admin log on page.
    This is a new problem because until recently everything was OK. BTW - the forms on the website are still working just fine its logging into the Admin Area that's the problem.
    I did submit a Support Ticket on this a few days ago and have since requested some response. No solution received yet.

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  • jamslive
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    thank you sir for your reply.

    1.which file responsible to send the confirmation email to user.(from your experience you think i can customize it to work with rtl)?
    2.i understand from the tutorial that user can upload files when submiting the form'if so how to set it in the form?
    3. i dont now if its bad or good but the the BV validation working

    just click on the red button.

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    1. I'm afraid there is no planning for this
    2. What do you mean ? ABVFP will store on the server any uploaded file, just define the uploads folder.
    3. Because ABVFP performs PHP validation, as spammers and spambots have Javascript disabled so the BV validation will not work.

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  • jamslive
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    i download and installed the ABVFP form script.

    1. How to set the confirmation page that is sent to the user to rtl? to set the upload file section?

    3.That might sound stupid but:
    Why do I need to use the error page function if I use the option when editing the form: validate / custom error message in the field

    Thank You

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  • mumu
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    Thank you very much!!!

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    Supposing that the editboxes IDs are Editbox1, Editbox2 and Editbox3 :

    Associate to Editbox1 (value) an event: onKeyup -> Javascript -> calculate()
    Same for Editbox2

    Put this in Between Head:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function calculate()
    var val1 = document.getElementById("Editbox1").value;
    var val2 = document.getElementById("Editbox2").value;
    document.getElementById("Editbox3").value = eval(val1 + "+" + val2);

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  • mumu
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    Hi George, I created this form ( where I want to add up the numbers that are set in the fields, and after having the result submiting the form.

    I have placed the following script in the HTML after tag of the form. Nedless to say it does not work, could you guide me as to where am I to place the script so it works

    <SCRIPT language = JavaScript>

    function calculate() {
    A = document.stress.value1.value
    B = document.stress.value2.value
    C = (A + B)
    document.stress.answer.value = C



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  • jorujuja
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    Ok sent you the details

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    Please use my contactform to send me your details. Include URLs of form and error / thankyou page

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  • jorujuja
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    How do I PM you the account?

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  • navaldesign
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    I don't think it can be a form issue (though I can't be sure)
    Since the error page shows, there IS an error, but the error page doesn't report it, so there must be something wrong with how the script is setup. I would need to enter your hosting account to see what is wrong.

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  • jorujuja
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    Do you think I should start all over again and redo the whole form?

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  • jorujuja
    Re: Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor 2

    I did the error page as per ABVFP 2.0 BV sample pages. I even copied exactly the error window from the sample page. And it still giving back 'blank' error message.

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