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Need help on links

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  • #16
    Re: Need help on links

    Originally posted by jollygreengiant
    Thank you. I have one final question on my page and then i will leave you all in peace. :~) I have a large scroll area on my page which i dont need. Originally the scroll area was larger than the actual BV wallpaer itself but i have rectified that but now i have space on the page that i dont need and when i change the size of the wallpaper or the sixe of page in page properties it doesnt make it any smaller. Is there anything i should be doing. The page is I know the page oes tak a while to open but i will be changing the flash to a compressed version so it wont take as long to load

    Okay, tick "center in browser" on your page properties, this will even out the white area on both sides, lock your margins in to your page width, either '800 or '1000 whatever you are using ...

    also - you do know that you do not have an index page published and that this is the page more than likely that it will be. If so, just rename this page index and publish the same ... and then the link would be


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    • #17
      Re: Need help on links

      Hi Jolly... If you want home.html to be the first page a visitor sees when your site opens... publish as ..index.. all that shows now for your site is a list... Doug


      • #18
        Re: Need help on links

        Hi Lady eye. I tried this but it didnt work. What did you mean by locking margins into the page width? Is that not done automatically?


        • #19
          Re: Need help on links

          Originally posted by jollygreengiant
          Hi Lady eye. I tried this but it didnt work. What did you mean by locking margins into the page width? Is that not done automatically?
          Hi Jolly

          I noticed your background is 1100' wide. I also notice that you have not tugged it tightly to the left and very top of your page. Yourreally need to be sure this is your starting point for the background.

          The recommended page width is '800 wide. Be sure that you have your
          ruler showing as part of your toolbar. (Go to View - Rulers) ... then move your background image to the far left and top and reduce it's width to '800

          Right click page properties and tick center in browser. Then be certain that all elements, (your text, images) are placed within this '800 width.

          This will then work for you ...

          (You will have to make a few adjustments on your page for this to work).



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          • #20
            Re: Need help on links

            Thanks ladyeye. We have changed the width and height of our background image We have also changfed the page dimensions.. We are happy with our dimensions at the moment on but we still have the problem with our scroll area. The backrground is tiling but we dont need it to as our page appears inside the original dimensions. Can you help?
            We are open to centering in browser but this seems to bring it well outside the 800 width and we cant really take off much more. We also have a problem with our menus in that we cant get them to come to the front. We have tried moving movie back and them forward but it wont work. Can you see anything? Hopefully this will be the last timei will have to ask and thanks in advance.... :~)


            • #21
              Re: Need help on links

              Hi .. Jolly... try this ... move movie to back then move what is hiding the movie to back.. then everything else should be in front of it.. I usually use "move to back" like stacking cards... Hope that helps... Doug


              • #22
                Re: Need help on links

                Originally posted by jollygreengiant
                Thanks ladyeye. We have changed the width and height of our background image We have also changfed the page dimensions.. We are happy with our dimensions at the moment on but we still have the problem with our scroll area. The backrground is tiling but we dont need it to as our page appears inside the original dimensions. Can you help?
                We are open to centering in browser but this seems to bring it well outside the 800 width and we cant really take off much more. We also have a problem with our menus in that we cant get them to come to the front. We have tried moving movie back and them forward but it wont work. Can you see anything? Hopefully this will be the last timei will have to ask and thanks in advance.... :~)
                Hi Jolly

                I believe I discovered that you have a few text boxes on your page that do not contain text, but however, are on the outer range of your page widths. Solution - choose select all and look for a few loose blue handles sticking out on your right side, near the top right of your page .... this should solve your sideways scroll.

                In so far as the background, your background will tile as is because it is not as wide as your screen and certainly not as wide as others screens. Solution - take the background into photoshop and enlarge it. Go about 1600' wide, and this will then fill everyones screen, or most everyones screen and then - no tiling.

                Menu problem - I believe someone already suggested you use slightly smaller font, and as well do not add space in between each item. I would also suggest you change your menu bars order - Home is normally found on the very left, and from there, I would put the larger ones to the right and left of your photo show.

                I would also rearrange your page a little bit and add a shape (white) under your content on the page ... it is hard to read directly onto the background.

                Hope this helps to take a bite outta some of your troubles ...


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                • #23
                  Re: Need help on links

                  Originally posted by dougnez
                  Hi ...Jolly... Place an I-frame on your page.. name it anything you like.. say frame1..address/link for the page you wish to call up into frame1...say ...when you layout pageA ..position it to the top left corner..because the I-frame reads from top left corner.. then target it at frame1....publish both pages.. because i-frames only work when published ... and not in preview .... that will do it... good luck .. have fun... Doug
                  Hi Doug,
                  Just getting back to this now as we are moving close to launch date. We have set up an i-frame on our local history page. The link buttons are also there. when you open the page you can see the text from roscrea.html. What we would like to be able to do is click on any one of the other buttons and only the text in the iframe would change to the requested page. We cant figure out how to do this or how to have multiple pages referencing the same i-frame.


                  • #24
                    Re: Need help on links

                    Hi Jolly.. Just repeat the steps you have done for pageA (roscrea.html). you know... create a pageB (roscrea2.html)... size it to fit ..then in the button that will open pageB in the I-frame..use same addressing and targeting .. just change the address to http://www.yourdomain/pageB.html... and on and on addressing each button to...pageC.html... pageD.html... and on and on...Remember the first page to open in the I-frame when your site opens is the opening page and the I-frame is addressed to that opening page... then the buttons call up each new page to open in the I-frame... all targeted at the same I-frame's name... Once you get the hang of it is Really easy..
                    and fun... Doug

