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firefox issues

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  • Karen Mac
    Re: firefox issues

    I answered that in the soho forum


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  • Docantonio
    Re: firefox issues

    got it ... downloaded the 3. version and quicktime from a site and it works now - but explorer works fine ...i have the updated E and it cause a few weird issues -

    I still cant figure out how to get soholaunch working i have installed in a subdomain.... called and the file is in there but cant get it to work - its telling me to right click the folder and make it persmissions for everyone on security but when i right click there isnt a security tab - please help

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  • Karen Mac
    Re: firefox issues

    It should give you a pop up and tell you that you need a plugin to view the site media correctly and then tells you what you need... what version of ff are you running?


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  • Docantonio
    Re: firefox issues

    ok well i have looked and cant find quicktime plug in ?

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  • Karen Mac
    Re: firefox issues

    It works on FF too if you download the quicktime plugin for firefox.


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  • Docantonio
    Re: firefox issues

    i believe that was a different issue with spots vs lines.....nonetheless i understand....

    i am not sure what you mean when you state secured pop up cause there its
    just a temp main page with some flashes and music to start - i havent ever used quicktime the song is run through windows media - how can i check the secure issues....the music works on E but not FF

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  • Karen Mac
    Re: firefox issues

    You have two threads going on this and two differnt sets of people answering you.. DONT DO THIS.


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  • Karen Mac
    Re: Explorer vs Firefox

    I get a message on firefox that i need to download the ***** quicktime itunes player.. and i have to do a manual install

    And I get the secure pop up in explorer firewall doesnt LIKE you. Not sure HOW you embedded the codes... but most people wont wait to find out


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  • Docantonio
    Re: Explorer vs Firefox

    sorry karen here you go ....first page Index and the music plays on ex but not ff


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  • Collectors-info
    Re: firefox issues

    BV v's soholaunch is purely down to what you like. Personally i think BV is a bit more flexible.
    With the music have a check on the type of file you are using, & posibly use somthing like a flash player as an alternitive.

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  • Docantonio
    Re: firefox issues

    yes thanks its only in the building stages i have published most pages cause i want to make sure the first part works - also i understand soholaunch is a better building site that true?

    the main problem i have is that on FF i cant get the music to play - on Explorer it does....and FF is updated

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  • LadyEye
    Re: firefox issues

    from your main page ... the products page is showing a 404 error .. perhaps you have not yet pubished this page ... ??

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  • Collectors-info
    Re: firefox issues

    Hi, all showed up at my end with FF & IE. Little bit slow loading because of the music. Might be worth checking you are upto date with FF & any plugins needed.

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  • Karen Mac
    Re: Explorer vs Firefox

    You probably have hidden elements.. or elements under another. This commonly occurs when you do a lot of editing or cloning pages and not getting all the elements off before adding new ones.

    Since you didnt post a link we cant possibly help you .. more than just a guess at whats going on.


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  • Docantonio
    Re: firefox issues

    try that and see what happens Chris - i got the page differenced worked out but explorer is giving me some wierd stuff double pages and firefox the only problem now is that it doesnt play the music

    i looked in the source and tools and it shows % on the title song for some reason

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