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can i link two drop menus with each others

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  • Vasili
    Re: can i link two drop menus with each others

    I know what you are trying to do (emulate a method seen on other sites), but even though it appears as if these are "separate," in fact, they are not.

    If you insist on the appearance you posted, you will need to use a "chained" Go-Menu script to configure such a "look" and function, which, after custom configuration, can be added to your BlueVoda Page using a BlueVoda HTML Box as described in this Tutorial.

    You can do a Google Search for such a script that has the appearance and features you require, or find one at or from my "go-to script source," where you'll find > > exactly what you're looking for < <

    PS: Be very careful about the English Spelling when configuring your Menu .... the example you posted above is unsatisfactory and unprofessional.

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  • aloukay
    Re: can i link two drop menus with each others

    thnks for your reply i apreciat it .the probleme here is that i dont want use a normal drop menu with submenu . what im tring to do here is to use a go menu to insert the brands (sam.sung, H.T.C, noki.a) in it and another go menu that includes models for every brand only ,soo the second go menu should somehow react with the first one without leaving the page here is an exemple i hope it helps you to get the idea becous my website is all depends on that if i cant get it to work i will drop it . becous i searched in the paid templates for one with the same built so to buy it and jut modify the names and the links of the go menu option but i couldnt find one:

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  • Vasili
    Re: can i link two drop menus with each others

    This can be done simply by using a single "Slider Menubar" in BlueVoda ... either configured Vertically or Horizontally, as each selection can have an endless number of Sub-Selections to present the more specific choices accordingly.

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  • aloukay
    started a topic can i link two drop menus with each others

    can i link two drop menus with each others

    hi i jst came to know vodahost service and i was amazed how easy bluevoda software is to build a website in just few hours ; so i started to make my first experience to build my first website ever .basicly its website about mobilephones so i managed to creat a two drop menus in the same page the first one with brand of mobiles and secound i intend to make it for modeles of phone and here is the problemehow can i manage to make link between two drop menus in order to when i click a brand on the first drop menu ,the second drop menu shows the modeles for the phone i selected.... its like when you go to laptop support site and try to download a driver they give you 2 drop menus one to choose the product and automaticly the second drop menu shows you the modeles of that specific product onlyi hope i could make understand what im tring to say and sorry for my bad english