Re: Managing files in SmartFTP
This tutorial is presented to teach you to manage files and folders in SmartFTP. We will assume that you already have SmartFTP on your computer, and that you have it running, but not connected yet to any remote server. If you don't have your web site configured in SmartFTP yet, and need some assistance, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in SmartFTP".
The first thing you are going to do is create a new folder on the remote server. Begin by clicking on the New Folder icon, which is located above the left hand window, and looks like an open folder. This will create a new folder in the remote server screen, and you will now need to give it a name. Type a name in the box. To rename a folder, highlight the name. Click on the Rename Icon, which is above the remote server window, to the left of the big red x. Type the new name in the box by the folder, and it is now renamed. Files can also be renamed this way.
To delete a file or folder, make sure it is highlighted. Now click on the Delete Icon. This is above the remote server window, and is a big red x. SmartFTP will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the item, so click on the Yes. The folder or file is now deleted.
Now you are going to learn how to change the permissions of a file. First, select the file you wish to change the permissions on in the remote server window by highlighting it. Then click the Properties Icon, above the remote server window. It looks like a page, with a pencil in front of it. This will open the Properties window for the file you selected. To change the permissions, you can simply enter the new permissions value in the box, or you can check off the appropriate permission boxes from the list. When you are done changing permissions, click on OK. The permissions for the selected file have now been changed.
You can also view the contents of a file on the remote server without having to first download it to your computer. Select a file by highlighting it. Now click the View Icon, which is located above the remote server window. It looks like a page, with a green arrow pointing down. This will open your file for viewing, in a separate window. Close by clicking the x in the upper right corner.
This completes this tutorial. You should now know how to manage files and folders, by creating new folders, deleting folders, renaming files and folders, changing permissions and viewing files without downloading them.
Managing files in SmartFTP
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