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background "rounded" corners

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  • background "rounded" corners

    is it possible to create rounded corners for the font-bground ?

    <font face="****" bground="yellow" shape="round">

    i know its not like that but i tried to give an example


  • #2
    Re: background &quot;rounded&quot; corners

    With html no, there is no built in tag or attribute to make a round corner.

    It is possible with css, either using an image, as well as other methods.

    Heres one that doesn't use an images, using a bullet point for each corner, or an inline element to create the corner.

    Heres is a guide to using the latter.

    However this method only works (at least will only look right) if you are using a solid color). If you need a rounded edge on a rectangle that has some design or a gradient, its best to use secondary images for the corners.

    Lastly if you are wanting to just give an image that you have created/edit a rounded edge it is best to do this with the image editing program you are using, its quicker, cleaner, and much easier to do. Plus since you are not using extra html/css code and the image will be smaller, your website load time will speed up (albeit you are only talking about a faction of a kb, so its not a noticeable difference)

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