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  • iamlborgia
    Re: *Waves*

    Hello new(ish) and bald(ing) Mike.

    and to

    Penniesnpence (I hope I got your name correct - my memory dissolves the minute I hit a new page.)


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  • PennieNPence
    Re: *Waves*

    Originally posted by mwalsh62 View Post
    I'm new(ish), and bald(ing), and I'm having quite a good time figuring all this out! My first site, and I'm wasting all kinds of time, probably, but it's keeping me out of the bars!

    Welcome fellow newbie, good luck!

    and welcome to you too. :)

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  • mwalsh62
    Re: *Waves*

    I'm new(ish), and bald(ing), and I'm having quite a good time figuring all this out! My first site, and I'm wasting all kinds of time, probably, but it's keeping me out of the bars!

    Welcome fellow newbie, good luck!


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  • iamlborgia
    Re: *Waves*

    It's an option until I figure out what in the heck I'm doing.


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  • zuriatman
    Re: *Waves*

    Hi iamlborgia,

    This place is not an option. It's the real thing.


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  • iamlborgia
    Re: *Waves*

    Thank you, everyone, for the warm welcome.

    I'm off to set up my profile and hit the question boards.

    This should be fun...


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  • Mirelle
    Re: *Waves*

    Welcome Welcome welcome im sure the sucking up to the hosts will be noted LOL LOL LOL

    You know what they say a little flatery gets you a long lol lol

    hey it rhymes im a poet and didnt know it.

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  • whiteshepherd
    Re: *Waves*

    welcome ... have fun creating something; have fun learning something new ... BlueVoda is a great program to use ... don't forget to watch the tutorials ... they really help.

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  • Vasili
    Re: *Waves*

    Good Showing!

    Proper form and all! (I tend to be impressed with cleverness)

    I was debatably the most reluctant to enter VodaLand, having a huge list of pre-requisites to build my web dream upon which all were pronounced by the mess I was left with after spending a huge amount of money on so-called webmasters.......and I am living proof that the tools and technologies so readily available from VodaHost make it impossible for disappointment or failure to raise it's ugly head even for one millisecond!

    The more you pore deep into the various forums here, the more you assemble your tools and tricks by doing specific "searches" in the forum, and the more cognizant time you spend applying those new principles, the easier the entire process becomes and the faster the lights turn on as to how you can refine your own definable online future.

    "Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan"

    And another good tip I came up with: If the technology at hand is not actually set up to do what you are looking for, there usually is a way to tweak it to jump through the hoops you hold on high! Maybe it's not really a good tip after all, but an excuse I keep handy to explain my complicated schemes when I need to be rescued??? LOL

    Most importantly, keep it fun!

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  • PennieNPence
    Re: *Waves*


    Welcome... You found a great place with great people that are always here to help.... or just chat with. :)

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  • iamlborgia
    started a topic *Waves*


    Hello, all.

    Just signed up this evening and am checking out Blue Voda as an option for a website.

    I have _many_ questions as I'm a complete dork when it comes to this kind of stuff. But I'll get to those soon enough.

    Just wanted to introduce myself properly and say that I'm very sad about the no bald guy jokes rule.

    I _love_ bald guys.


    Sucking up to our hosts already.
