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Favorite Inspiring Quotes

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  • karenwms63
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    "Don't take life too seriously....You'll never get out alive!!! Bugs Bunny

    "I yam what I yam." Popeye

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  • proactivator
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    I cannot remember who said to who. Occurred in a cricket Test match between Australia and South Africa.
    Aussie fielder to rather stout South African batsman: Hey man, why are you so fat?
    South African batsman: Because every time I make love to your wife she gives me a biscuit.

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  • slick1121
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    It is not what enters one's mouth that defiles.. but what comes out of the mouth. Jesus

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  • Ramesh Pendse
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    Originally posted by royb View Post
    One mans meat is another mans wife.
    One mans wife is another mans meat or vice versa

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  • picardowoods
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    "The more he protested his innocence, the faster I counted the silver"

    Just can't remember who said it first (

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  • Marincky
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it.
    David Lee Roth

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  • DreamStar
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    I enjoy quotes! Read some great ones here LOL - esp the divorce one -

    I made one up that I think y'all like!

    "Don't just think out of the box ... think out of the ROOM that the box is in!"


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  • TommyB118
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    Originally posted by sedona View Post
    In the same vein.....
    Work is the curse of the drinking classes.
    Oscar Wilde
    Hi, there. When I divorced the mother of my two daughters (who eneded up with me full time at 14 and 16 y/, what an experience), I got very creative, writing lyrics to Jimmy Buffet type songs and even writing a book about how to evaluate your relationship (or marriage). I came up with a catchy phrase as a title of the book and copyrighted it, thank Heaven! Being a guy, though, the title was kind of chauvinistic, so I created some balance and came up with an ACRONYM for my titles.

    So what does that have to do with favorite quotes? Well, someday, these quotes may be very famous, but if nothing else, I hope they will add a smile to the face of someone who is suffering through a divorce. Those that undergo this extremely streeful event, need all the smiles they can get, so my intent is to create some. Being the guy that I am, however, I will also be selling caps and shirts and bumper stickers, etc. at my website, which is under development. They are both copyright protected:

    "Life's A Bastard...Until You Divorce One" and
    "Life's A Bitch Until...You Divorce One"

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  • TommyB118

    Hi, there. When I divorced the mother of my two daughters (who eneded up with me full time at 14 and 16 y/, what an experience), I got very creative, writing lyrics to Jimmy Buffet type songs and even writing a book about how to evaluate your relationship (or marriage). I came up with a catchy phrase as a title of the book and copyrighted it, thank Heaven! Being a guy, though, the title was kind of chauvinistic, so I created some balance and came up with an ACRONYM for my titles.

    So what does that have to do with favorite quotes? Well, someday, these quotes may be very famous, but if nothing else, I hope they will add a smile to the face of someone who is suffering through a divorce. Those that undergo this extremely streeful event, need all the smiles they can get, so my intent is to create some. Being the guy that I am, however, I will also be selling caps and shirts and bumper stickers, etc. at my website, which is under development. They are both copyright protected:

    "Life's A Bastard...Until You Divorce One" and
    "Life's A Bitch Until...You Divorce One"

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  • sedona
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    In the same vein.....
    Work is the curse of the drinking classes.
    Oscar Wilde

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  • sedona
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    I doubt if you can have a truly wild party without liquor.

    Carl Sandburg

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  • picardowoods
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    Here's another I use occasionally

    "The moral high ground has the best view"


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  • picardowoods
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    Here's one I like.

    "Abscence of body is better than presence of mind"


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  • dankc908
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    "'Tis better to be silent and thought a fool than to open ones' mouth and remove all doubt."

    --A. Lincoln

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  • WhyMeShow
    Re: Favorite Quotes -

    I write for the same reason I breath because if I didn't I would die.

    -Issac Asimov

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