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FTP Manager Login? Help!

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  • FTP Manager Login? Help!

    Hi there. I'm new to BlueVoda. I've been reading the forums about how to make website background that is basically an image that doesn't scroll. However, I'm assuming you need to upload said image to the FTP manager and paste the link into the HTML code to get it to work. (I'm not very good at all with that kind of stuff...)

    But how do I login/connect to the FTP manager? I haven't received any emails regarding a username or password for it, and I have no idea how to set the IP address correctly. Please help!

  • #2
    Re: FTP Manager Login? Help!

    Unless you have an Invoice for paid hosting with VodaHost, the only "Welcome" information you have is VodaTalk Support Forum Membership Confirmation.

    BlueVoda will only publish to a VodaHost server, which requires you to purchase hosting from VodaHost to get an account and an assigned server IP to publish to. Upon hosting account purchase and after account establishment, you receive a "Welcome" email that includes all the pertinent details of your hosting account, including the IP you should publish to.

    Very different "Welcome" emails altogether.

    Use this link to purchase hosting if you are ready to publish.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

