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Mals Shopping Cart Question

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  • Collectors-info
    Re: Going back to your same place

    Hi, not sure if this will work with your cart. But when you make an add to cart button for one of your products, I assume you get the option to fill in a field that you put in a url of your choosing to where the customer will be sent after they press continue shopping.
    If so you will have to go to every product & put in a bookmark. (Top of your BV page under insert) If your entire products each has a different name I would change the bookmark name to match.
    Then you would name the return link.
    http ://
    Try it on 1 or 2 items 1st to check it works.

    Good luck.
    PS. I personally think all carts should do this.

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  • coffeegourmet
    started a topic Mals Shopping Cart Question

    Mals Shopping Cart Question

    I received an email from a customer that said the only problem he had on my site was when he went to the shopping cart and added something, than wanted to return and add more it always returned him to the top of the page. He would than have to scroll down again to find the next item he wanted to purchase. Is there some way that they can be returned to the same point in the page where they left off before so they don't have to keep scrolling up and down when they add more?