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I’m ready for critiquing

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  • I’m ready for critiquing

    I believe that I’m ready for critiquing, good or bad, I want to do it right.

    Depending how it goes I would like to integrate a personal web site counter? and how can I have my web site seen by the world

  • #2
    Re: I’m ready for critiquing

    Great improvement - looks and flows much better - is there a picture in the upper right hand corner - maybe it could be not so washed out -
    Keep up the good work like the back and next buttons too
    Ann - My Travel - Jewelry - Leather Art


    • #3
      Re: I’m ready for critiquing

      Thank you kindly…asirimarco

      Are you referring to my crescent moon?


      • #4
        Re: I’m ready for critiquing

        You have come so far - done a wonderful job!

        Now you need to market it for people to find it. Join writing forums and blogs - talk about your work - get your website address out for the world.

        See if there are any sites that you think might benefit by using one of your poems or short stories and offer them the right to do so as long as they credit you and provide a link back to your site from it.

        I do suggest that you put a notice on the site that these are your own, copyrighted works and that if anyone wants to use them they need to contact you for permission.
        A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

        SEO and Marketing Tools
        SEO - The Basics


        • #5
          Re: I’m ready for critiquing
          Thank you for taking the time Beth

          Is this the way to get it out?

          “Join writing forums and blogs - talk about your work - get your website address out for the world.”

          Overall is my web site ok, what can I do to really improve it?

          I’ll work on that notice, thank you


          • #6
            Re: I’m ready for critiquing


            YOU DO want them to link to you and give you credit. You just dont want them to copy you or steal your stuff! By linking they show the world where you are!

            I would like to see some improved navigation once you go to a story page, instead of next and back, im not sure what or how.. down the side or across the top rather than the bottom. Even customized MOONS to accomplish it. Just make it easier to move around and add more of a togetherness to the pages.



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            • #7
              Re: I’m ready for critiquing

              I don't know if this was covered in earlier posts... but your website will start being spidered by the search engines just having it listed on the BV forum. Listen to the ladies, they know what they are talking about and all of these are great suggestions.

              Avoid the counter on the website... if you want to see how many people are finding your site log into your cpanel and check your stats.
              Good luck.... your site has improved so much since you began.
              Naturally Yours,


              • #8
                Re: I’m ready for critiquing

                Thank you all!

                I really appreciate all the suggestions and comments!!!

                “Avoid the counter on the website...”

                C-panel. the whole control panel is a intimidating place for me, I haven’t really ventured out there except to check how deep the waters were and back right out, but I’ll try for the c-panel hopefully I will not fall into quicksand…

                Please give me an example Karen I would really appreciate it.
                “I would like to see some improved navigation once you go to a story page”




                • #9
                  Re: I’m ready for critiquing


                  I meant that once you are off the home page, the only thing you can do is click back, next, and thats after you scroll down to find it. Im not sure HOW id fix that, by moons, i meant make yourself a custom button for navigation that was pics of the moon or moon icons, and put them across the top of the page and easier to find, but still DECORATE and not take away from the story.



                  Your Website People!
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                  • #10
                    Re: I’m ready for critiquing

                    Originally posted by RRaphael
                    Thank you all!

                    I really appreciate all the suggestions and comments!!!

                    “Avoid the counter on the website...”

                    C-panel. the whole control panel is a intimidating place for me, I haven’t really ventured out there except to check how deep the waters were and back right out, but I’ll try for the c-panel hopefully I will not fall into quicksand…

                    Please give me an example Karen I would really appreciate it.
                    “I would like to see some improved navigation once you go to a story page”


                    Yes, the cpanel can be very daunting. I took it slowly myself and there are still somethings I click on, peak at and then get the heck out of there! LOL
                    Baby steps...
                    Naturally Yours,

