Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

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  • mingswanfoo
    Second Lieutenant

    • Mar 2009
    • 106

    Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

    Nice site... Congratulations...
    Best Regards,



    • Collectors-info

      • Feb 2006
      • 8703

      Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

      Hi, the site looks fine, but there are a few things that need attention to make it work in all browsers.
      Bit of a list i am afraid.
      Front page
      Needs text realigned as the text “contact us” is hanging out the box in FF & Google/C.
      With the slide show all images should be the same size to save distortion.
      Scrolling text distracting.
      Nikon image over reduced & pixulated.
      Select gallery go button is under the selection list & needs the blue tab pulling out to the right by a few PX’s to let it show correctly in all browsers. Personally i would just check to box not to have the button. (This is the same on all pages)
      Abstract gallery.
      Main image very distorted in comparison to the nice quality original (Don’t use the blue handles).
      Many of the images in the light box have been stretched to beyond the original size & has distorted them.
      With key words & page titles, these must all be within the pages text. Also good to think what visitors will enter as a search for your site. This part of building your SE area of the site should be individual to every page.
      IE: “CaptiVision digital memories, Home Page showing high quality photographs of places round the world”
      & only CaptiVision is within the text of the page.
      Possibly having something more like: Photographer in Dundee, Scotland. Portrait, wildlife, landscape photography from CaptiVision digital photographic memories.
      Assuming all words are within the pages text.
      Key words can be added to the keyword area assuming the same rules as above & in order of importance.
      Regards Chris.

      Collectables, Collecting,

      House build project


      • SAman
        Major General

        • Mar 2007
        • 2009

        Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

        Ditto what Chris said! The pics in the galleries are skewed, probably because you used the corner handles to size them for your page. Use pix resizer to adjust them and you woun't get the skewed affect. On your home page, you have you "are based based in" that should be fixed.
        Altogether a great start though!!!
        Good Luck!!

        Any excuse for non performance only weakens the charactor

        In God We Trust


        • captivision

          • Nov 2008
          • 17

          Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

          I have just re-done all of my gallery pages, now you just hover over an image to see a larger one, please tell me what everyone thinks, i am very grateful for the comment



          • captivision

            • Nov 2008
            • 17

            Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

            I have re-vamped my whole website, even included paypal features, i would appreciate commetns both good and bad.


            • ahimsa
              Major General

              • Jan 2009
              • 2184

              Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

              Hi David,
              long time no see.......
              site looks good but.........

              About Me - Competition:I will contract

              Latest News:
              even if you don't have a pal pay account.........If your a new visitor......and if your a regular visitor - both need to be you're a

              Client Area: on this page only the 1st 2 galleries had any kind of llnk - the rest were all 404 not found

              BUT....GREAT site - love the shots (I have 1 that I also called "sunset over mombasa" but it was in a different time & so not so 'romantic'!!
              I know you're in Scotland & I'm in Germany but next time you're in the area I'll be a model for you......hey, you said any size, any age right? he-he

              Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!


              • captivision

                • Nov 2008
                • 17

                Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

                Thanks for looking at my site in such detail, you're comment are much appreciated and i have sorted all the problems you have found, of course you can model for me if i ever get over your way.

                Thanks again



                • wysiwyg4

                  • Nov 2007
                  • 477

                  Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

                  Hi David,

                  You have a fantastic website.

                  However, you have stated in About Me that you are marketing to the
                  whole of Scotland. That means, most probably, folks have to find you
                  through search engines. You have keywords that you can make as key
                  phrases, e.g., based, in, dundee can be one key phrase "based in Dundee."

                  On a general note
                  Many experts suggest, to make Google happy at a bare minimum, do the following:

                  1. Title on a page should describe, in a given number of words,
                  the business it presents to the world. On every page it should
                  indicate the content on the page separate and unique than other pages.

                  2. Insert keywords within the title tag so that search engine
                  robots will know what your page is about.

                  3. Make sure that the text within the title tag is also within the body of the page.

                  4. Do not use the exact same title tag on every page on your website.

                  5. Title tags for text links. Insert the title tag within the HTML of your text link
                  to add weight to the link and the page where the link resides.

                  1. Make sure all keywords are on the page if they are in your keyword tag.

                  2. Do not spam the description or keyword meta tag by stuffing meaningless

                  1. Do not link to link-farms or other search engine unfriendly neighborhoods.

                  1. All images should have alt text. That is, describe your images with the
                  use of the alt tag.

                  2. Make sure all img tags have height & width attributes.

                  Most important is Content
                  1. Have good unique and fresh content on all pages.

                  2. Your first paragraph is the most important.
                  It should have your primary keyword tags for the page.

                  I suggest sometimes in future, you start thinking about
                  writing articles about photography in general and your
                  specific kind of photography in particular.

                  Doable Personal Finance


                  • Elegance Reclaimed

                    • Jul 2009
                    • 26

                    Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

                    Hi David,

                    Nice site, and I love your photography. You've put a lot of work into this so far, and it shows.

                    1)The background in your text-box on the index, I think, is too stark against the background, it needs to be softened somewhat, so as to not overpower your photos
                    2)In the index text-box, I think, you have too many ‘I’s. You need to reword it to say the same thing without so many ‘I’s.
                    3)In the copyright page- things are centered, I think it should be flush left and indented, mark it more like a legal document as it is stipulating legal aspects of your business.
                    4)You need to create some consistency with your colours, buttons and text
                    5)You can set colour with the size of button etc., (maybe), what ever, but, you need, I think, to set rules and follow through with them through-out. The long gray button I think should stay gray, but you can change the font in it, for different uses.
                    6)On the Services page- the link in pink can barely be seen against the burnt-red
                    7)On the Contact page- ‘Sent’ and ‘Reset’ both need to be aligned with the outer edge of the above Comment box
                    8 )On the Client Area page- buttons are BIG, colour is ok, yellow button for consistence needs to be gray, but can have yellow font say, and the red text I find the colour is too harsh.
                    9) I think a darker frame for “Lock Lee” would show it off better also
                    10) Gallery is well designed coloured nicely and is clean

                    I used a links-checker on your site and it says that "mailto" has been disabled, but I could not find a link, or text phrased that way, on any of the pages, but thought I would let you know what they reported.


                    • captivision

                      • Nov 2008
                      • 17

                      Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

                      Thanks for the comments from the last two people, it's great to get constructive comments, it keeps me going and i am working on making the site better because of them, sometimes you get too close to the site and can't see the wee mistakes. It's nice to get help as i a novice at this web design stuff, not sure my site will ever be finished but i do enjoy altering it and trying to improve it.



                      • captivision

                        • Nov 2008
                        • 17

                        Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

                        Just completed yet another revamp of my site, i would appreciate comments from all





                        • ahimsa
                          Major General

                          • Jan 2009
                          • 2184

                          Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

                          Hi David,
                          looks really, really nice.
                          If I want to be really picky I'd have to tell you there are a few punctuation errors dotted around the site - mostly full stops instead of commas or vice versa....nothing too serious :)
                          I can pinpoint them tomorrow if you like.....
                          Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!


                          • captivision

                            • Nov 2008
                            • 17

                            Re: Comments both GOOD and BAD welcome regarding my updated site

                            Thanks, I will have a look at the full stops etc.

                            It is so easy to miss the obvious sometimes.

                            Thanks again.


