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Please review my website

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  • Please review my website

    My site is at
    Please review it.
    I should really want to improve my design. In order to do it,
    I will appreciate you let me know addresses of few websites (5 or 6 of them will be enough) prepared by other people using Bluevoda. In order to take ideas I would like to check how they did their sites. I believe checking them I will be learning a lot.
    My best regards,


  • #2
    Re: Please review my website

    This Forum - in which you posted this thread - is full of BlueVoda created websites ..... review as many as you like!
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • #3
      Re: Please review my website

      Once the visitor arrives on the proper language index page, I feel the bold graphics and lack of organization too harsh on the eyes, and almost compels visitors to abandon the site before making the effort to even figure out what it is all about.

      You may wish to keep the black background, but create a white or neutral colored "page" structure to contain all your text, navigation, and photos --- just as other websites normally do. This will undoubtedly help to retain visitors, to communicate your content clearly, and to better organize your material in a more inviting, cognizant manner that will aid overall the effectiveness of your site.

      Take a look at some of your peer's sites also submitted for review in this section ... you will begin to notice a commonness that has long been proven to be the more desired, effective model that would benefit you interpreting and implementing as an updated design.

      Just my take ...
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • #4
        Google vs. Yahoo

        My site is
        I am having problems when entering by Google.
        If I use Yahoo, index page has a music (a tango). Going to CONTINUAR (in Spanish) I can enter to next page and here clicking at PENSAR, to the new version of both pages.
        But, entering by Google, I am unable to listen the music, and clicking to CONTINUAR I get my old versions, with a lot of errors. Same happen when I am going to PENSAR.
        I will appreciate your help ASAP.
        Best regards,


        • #5
          Re: Please review my website

          You do not "enter" your site via a Search Engine, do you? Why on earth would you do that?
          You should be able to simply enter a URL into your choice of browsers to be taken directly to your site .... or via a saved (Bookmarked) URL in each browser individually also.

          It is simply an issue with the browsers themselves, and is nothing we can help you resolve. Be sure to update them individually, and to have the current audio and video extensions for Chrome (not "Google") installed according to the instructions they provide.
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *


          • #6
            Re: Please review my website

            Dear Vasili:
            1.- Maybe I did not explain well my problem. Actually I´m changing few things in my Bluevoda's site. I'm updating most of my pages.
            2.- After corrected, I am uploading those pages to the site.
            3.- I tried to see them using the different browsers: Internet Explorer, version 8; Mozilla Firefox, version 9; and Google Chrome, version 17.
            4.- OK with the first one. Bad with the next two. Why?
            I'm not an expert and I needed the help of my grandson in trying to understand your note. I realized I was unable to explain you well my problem. I hope, it is better now.


            • #7
              Re: Please review my website

              1. Upgrade both Internet Explorer to version 9 and Firefox to version 11. (IE especially has problems in ver. 8 with image rendering, in particular PNG images and transparent shapes or images with transparent backgrounds)

              2. By uploading files, I hope you mean you are PUBLISHING your pages from within BlueVoda itself using the PUBLISH icon, and not uploading files to the server via FTP. This will not work, as during the Publshing process, the .bvp files are decrypted and converted to HTML the way they need to be --- as BlueVoda is a HTML generator, not an "editor."

              3. Keep in mind, different browsers display pages differently, each according to how the browser code was written ... which is why we advise to create your pages "proofing" your layouts in multiple browsers to find the easiest "compromise" that works best for a universally good looking layouut display across all browsers. Trying to have each browser display pages perfectly as you created them is not realistic ...

              4. If you are having issues with text on pages not spacing out properly, and there is a lot of text, it is best to have this text in smaller textboxes of their own, rather than larger boxes filled with long amounts of content. Browsers will often render page displays unfavorably due to the burden of the scripting requited to show large blocks of text, which is why it is better to have smaller blocks of text --- all of which can be precisely aligned and placed on the page to look like a larger section without anyone knowing the difference.

              5. If you can't see your updated pages and you are supposedly publishing to the proper server using the correct methods, you may need to flush your browser cache > How to Flush Your DNS

              6. After you upgrade your browsers and publish your updated pages again properly after possibly implementing some of the tips above, check back with us here to let us know if your display in your browser has changed or improved.
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *


              • #8
                Re: Please review my website

                Hi Vasili:
                Thank you very much. With your help EVERYTHING WAS SOLVED. I changed versions as you told me and my grandson also helped me. Finally it was a cache problem in my labtop.
                Best regards,


                • #9
                  Re: Please review my website


                  .... and on we go!
                  . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                  * Success Is Potential Realized *

