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ABVFP Update

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  • navaldesign
    Re: ABVFP Update

    Well, thanks a lot. Appreciate it.

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  • rdarko
    Re: ABVFP Update

    Just wanted to say THANKS!!! here are some of pages I use the ABVFP on, I dont know how I could have done this without your Genius of a script! (scroll down)

    Thanks Naval!

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  • ripperdav
    Re: ABVFP Update

    Yes I just wanted to thank you again with all of your help with my forms.
    They are working just great now. I wouldn't of known my way around that problem without you. So thanx so much. I'm not new to computers or tech issues, but I am new to websites, and scripts etc associated with them, so it's yet more stuff to learn about. Thanx again. Davin

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  • davidundalicia
    Re: ABVFP Update

    You have obviously spent a lot of time producing and amending this excelent
    program Naval, congratulations on a job well done.

    Good luck and best wishes for 2007..............

    your friend

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  • Vasili
    Re: ABVFP Update

    Next version???
    Geez, General, I am still trying to wrap my brain around the old one!

    It has been a tremendous help to have your expertise so readily available with your technical postings of such "utilities" as the ABVFP. Literally thousands of VodaHost users have had their online experience simplified by your gracious contributions.

    Including me!

    Thanks again, and keep up the excellent work!

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  • navaldesign
    started a topic ABVFP Update

    ABVFP Update

    In these three months that ABVFP is available, some small fixes have shown to be necessary. As a response, we have created and is now available for download, the new ABVFP v2.0 .

    Here are the main features of this version:
    • Required fields checking.
    • Validation of the fields (email, numeric field, field length, allowing or not @ symbol to be included)
    • Multifile upload, with max size specified by the user.
    • Attachments: you will receive the uploaded files directly on your desktop with the email that you will receive.
    • Multiple owner email addresses: the script will now send multiple emails, to the specified owner email addresses. The first one, will be used as the "reply to" address for the autoresponder message.
    • Option to have your email address included or not in the autoresponder message.
    • Multiple choice field processing.
    • Customizable mail subject.
    • Customizable multiline email header and footer. Autoresponder with customizable header, footer, subject and "From:" field. Built in security measures against automatic bot submission and / or mass spam submission using your script.
    • Single "action" file for all your forms. It will process ALL your forms.
    • User friendly interface that will allow you to setup the processing script by just typing in your site info. No hand coding required.
    • Username and password feature for the script administration page: no one else but you will ever be able to login.
    • FULL error reporting page: it will notify the visitor of all the errors encountered in filling in the form.
    • Thankyou page to let the visitor know that his submission has been successfull and allow him to go on surfing your site.
    • User defined URLs for the Errorpage and the thankyou page
    • User defined folder for the uploaded files (inside the same folder where ABVFP is installed)
    • You can now save your project in the database. If you need to change the settings for a form, you can do it just editing what needs to be edited. You don't need to type everything from scratch.
    • Database storing of the form submitted info: the script will AUTO CREATE the necessary database table, and store the info in it.
    • Installation wizard, that makes software installation as simple as possible. Create a database and a database user, upload the files, provide your details, and the script will be automatically installed.
    • Popup Help windows to guide you through the installation and the setting up of the forms.
    • Support for multiple forms per page. The old version could only process one form per page.
    • Support also for non VH users: since the script is a collection of html and php files, you can simply upload it on your server and it will work.
    Please note that ABVFPv2 will process ANY form that uses the POST method, not only the ones built with Blue Voda. It will process forms built in Frontpage, Dreamweaver. or any other site builder or html editor, as well as hand coded html and php forms. Furthermore, if you have more than one domains in your account, ABVFP will process ALL your forms, in ALL your domains, and will redirect correctly the visitor back to a thankyou page, that can be separately customized for EVERY form/domain. Error pages can also be independently customized for each form/domain. Just include the correct path to the pages, and ABVFP will take care of the rest.

    ABVFPv2 consists in a collection of html and php files that you simply upload on a dedicated folder on your site. As such, it will run on ANY site that is conform to the minimum requirements which is support for PHP 4.0 or higher, and MySQL 4.1.21 or higher.

    Extras: Downloadable Word file with the tutorial, for offline work. Full instructions on how to upload the software on your site, how to install and use it, how to customize or create your own Thankyou page and Error page.

    Please visit the Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor thread to see how you can download it and use it.

    Have fun!