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Project Participate

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  • Mook25
    Re: Project Participate

    No worries Ladyeye always glad to help!

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  • LadyEye
    Re: Project Participate

    Great Job Mook!!

    Maybe ***** or another administrative board staff member, could lock this thread from further postings. Like you and I say, it's just news to let everyone know ....

    Thanks Mook!!

    Please post your page entry at the following thread ...

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  • Mook25
    Re: Project Participate

    zc290549 this is just the news section letting everyone know about the project. Please repost your contribution here. Thanks

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  • zc290549
    Re: Project Participate

    LadyEye this is my support from downunder


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  • larazovich
    Re: Project Participate

    Oops, sorry, lady, just reposted correctly

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  • LadyEye
    Re: Project Participate

    Liz that's terrific and I am happy to see some people already jumping in. I can't say I have a page ready yet, lol ...

    But Liz, can I ask you to post your link under the thread made specifically for this ...

    I created this thread just as "News" about the project ... :) I hope I didn't cause confusion doing so ... oops

    So everyone, post your page urls under this section.

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  • larazovich
    Re: Project Participate

    ha ha ha happy spring

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  • Mook25
    Re: Project Participate

    No worries

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  • LadyEye
    Re: Project Participate

    Thank you Mook

    It's perfect and an excellent idea!! Hope more do it!! Signature and all!!

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  • Mook25
    Re: Project Participate

    It really would be yes, i might have to call on the help of some newbies. lol

    Not a problem with sig, thought not everyone will look in the news section but by doing it this way people will get to see it more and hopefully more people will participate.

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  • LadyEye
    Re: Project Participate

    Well then it really be like your "first page" Mook, lol

    Wow, I love your signature, do you mind if I copy??

    psssssssssttttt ... done, lol ... :)

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  • Mook25
    Re: Project Participate

    Blimey, I'm going to be feeling like a newbie again by doing that!! lol Haven't used it in ages, I use dreamweaver myself but hey i'll give it a go for the better good of Voda!!

    In the meantime I've added the project to my sig to help get the word round.

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  • LadyEye
    Re: Project Participate

    Originally posted by Mook25
    Looks like a good project ladyeye. I reckon it'll be really popular especially with the newbies. If you need any help along the way give me a shout and i'll see what i can do.

    Sounds great Mook, appreciate the offer, I can only imagine I will ... lol

    But for now, definitely need your participating by creating your first page ...

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  • Mook25
    Re: Project Participate

    Looks like a good project ladyeye. I reckon it'll be really popular especially with the newbies. If you need any help along the way give me a shout and i'll see what i can do.

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  • LadyEye
    started a topic Project Participate

    Project Participate

    Members of the VodaLand Community who use the Blue Voda Web Builder have put together an area on this forum and are looking forward to your participation in the project!! Please have a look and consider participating!
