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database upgrade?

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  • database upgrade?

    Hi all i am in need of some real help i have a forums on my website which is which is the smf forums i upgraded this to their latest version when i installed it a few months back. My problem now is i get this message when viewing the forums:

    Database Error Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_62f9_0.MYI' (Errcode: 30)
    File: /home/vbrqbpaj/public_html/forums/Sources/Profile.php
    Line: 1346

    Note: It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum's files are currently at version SMF 1.1.10, while your database is at version 1.1.9. The above error might possibly go away if you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.

    And am at a loss as to what i need to do, it makes me think it is an issue with my cp as also when i go to click on the fantastico deluxe i get this error below

    ' ; print_r ( $MYSQLHOST ) ; echo '' ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( is_file ( $fantasticopath . '/includes/' ) ) { include ( $fantasticopath . '/includes/' ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ?> "> Fantastico "> $value ) { $directory = "{$fantasticopath}/fantasticoimages/Templates_Express/{$value}" ; if ( @is_dir ( $directory ) ) { @shell_exec ( "rm -rf {$directory} 2>&1" ) ; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Set_OIN_On_Registry ( $File ) { $Contents = file_get_contents ( $File ) ; $Contents = trim ( $Contents ) ; $Contents = str_replace ( '' , '' , $Contents ) ; $Resource = @fopen ( $File , 'w' ) ; if ( $Resource ) { $Temporary = @fwrite ( $Resource , $Contents ) ; $Temporary = @fclose ( $Resource ) ; } else { } $Temporary = @chmod ( $File , 0644 ) ; return TRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Get_OIN_Settings ( ) { $File = '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/oin/settings.ini' ; if ( is_file ( $File ) ) { $OIN = parse_ini_file ( $File , TRUE ) ; } else { $OIN = Array ( 'Others' => Array ( 'Mode' => 'Once' , ) , ) ; $Temporary = Set_OIN_Settings ( $OIN ) ; } return $OIN ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Set_OIN_Settings ( $OIN ) { $File = '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/oin/settings.ini' ; $Contents = <<< 2 AND !eregi ( '^www\.' , $Domain ) ) { $Domain = 'www.' . $Domain ; } return str_replace ( $Match[1] , $Domain , $URL ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Get_Character_Count ( $String , $Character ) { $Count = 0 ; for ( $Index = 0 ; $Index < strlen ( $String ) ; $Index = $Index + 1 ) { if ( $Character == $String[$Index] ) { $Count = $Count + 1 ; } } return $Count ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Set_Add_File ( $File , $Contents ) { $Handle = @fopen ( $File , 'w' ) ; if ( TRUE == $Handle ) { $Temporary = fwrite ( $Handle , $Contents ) ; $Temporary = fclose ( $Handle ) ; } return TRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Set_Permission ( $File , $Permission ) { $Command = 'chmod ' . $Permission . ' "' . $File . '"' ; $Output = Get_Output ( $Command ) ; return TRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Get_Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data ( $Host_Name ) { $File = '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/soholaunch.cache' ; $Contents = '' ; if ( is_file ( $File ) ) { if ( filemtime ( $File ) + 86400 > time ( ) ) { $Contents = implode ( '' , file ( $File ) ) ; } } if ( empty ( $Contents ) ) { $Temporary = @ini_set ( 'default_socket_timeout' , 3 ) ; /* $URL = '' . rawurlencode ( $Host_Name ) ; $Contents = file_get_contents ( $URL ) ; */ $Resource = @fsockopen ( '' , 80 , $errno , $errstr , 3 ) ; if ( FALSE == $Resource ) { } else { @stream_set_blocking ( $Resource , 0 ) ; @stream_set_timeout ( $Resource , 3 , 0 ) ; $Headers = "GET /product_reports/host_config.php?hostname=" . rawurlencode ( $Host_Name ) . " HTTP/1.0\r\n" ; $Headers .= "Host:\r\n" ; $Headers .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n" ; fwrite ( $Resource , $Headers ) ; while ( ! feof ( $Resource ) ) { $Contents .= fgets ( $Resource , 1024 ) ; } fclose ( $Resource ) ; } $Contents = split ( "\r\n\r\n" , $Contents , 2 ) ; if ( FALSE == empty ( $Contents[1] ) ) { $Contents = $Contents[1] ; $Handle = fopen ( $File , 'w' ) ; if ( TRUE == $Handle ) { $Temporary = fwrite ( $Handle , $Contents ) ; $Temporary = fclose ( $Handle ) ; } } else { $Contents = NULL ; } } /* Start Debugging */ /* echo filemtime ( $File ) . '

    ' ; echo time ( ) . '

    ' ; */ /* Stop Debugging */ if ( empty ( $Contents ) ) { $Array['sitebuilder_logo_url' ] = '' ; $Array['sitebuilder_description_text'] = $GLOBALS['LANG' ]['description_Soholaunch_Pro_Edition'] ; $Array['home_page_link_url' ] = $GLOBALS['homepage' ]['Soholaunch_Pro_Edition' ] ; $Array['support_page_link_url' ] = $GLOBALS['support_link']['Soholaunch_Pro_Edition' ] ; $Array['sitebuilder_name' ] = 'Soholaunch Pro Edition' ; } else { $Array = unserialize ( $Contents ) ; $Array['sitebuilder_description_text'] = base64_decode ( $Array['sitebuilder_description_text'] ) ; } return $Array ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Get_Available_Disk_Space ( ) { $Available_Disk_Space = "Unlimited" ; if ( ! in_array ( $Available_Disk_Space , Array ( 'NA' , 'Unlimited' , 'unknown' , '' ) ) ) { $Available_Disk_Space = intval ( $Available_Disk_Space ) ; $Available_Disk_Space = round ( $Available_Disk_Space * 1024 , 2 ) ; $Available_Disk_Space = round ( $Available_Disk_Space - 512 , 2 ) ; } else { $Available_Disk_Space = 'Unlimited' ; } /* Log */ // $Available_Disk_Space = 0 ; return $Available_Disk_Space ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( !@is_dir ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/temporary/' ) ) { $Command = 'mkdir "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/temporary/"' ; $Output = Get_Output ( $Command ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( !is_dir ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/' ) ) { $Command = "mkdir '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/'" ; $Output = `$Command` ; } if ( !is_dir ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Joomla/' ) ) { $Command = "mkdir '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Joomla/'" ; $Output = `$Command` ; } if ( !is_dir ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/PerlDesk/' ) ) { $Command = "mkdir '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/PerlDesk/'" ; $Output = `$Command` ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $Files = Get_Files ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Mambo_Open_Source/' ) ; foreach ( $Files As $File ) { $thisscriptpath = '' ; $version = '' ; include '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Mambo_Open_Source/' . $File ; if ( !empty ( $thisscriptpath ) ) { include $thisscriptpath . '/fantversion.php' ; if ( '1.0.2' == $version ) { $Command = "mv '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Mambo_Open_Source/$File' '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Joomla/$File'" ; $Output = `$Command` ; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $cPanel_Version = '11.24.5-RELEASE' ; $cPanel_Build = '38506' ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $cPanel_Version = explode ( '-' , $cPanel_Version ) ; $cPanel_Version[0] = explode ( '.' , $cPanel_Version[0] ) ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $_CPANEL["PARKED"] = array(); $_CPANEL["SUBDOMAINS"] = array('' => '/home/vbrqbpaj/public_html/forums'); $_CPANEL["DOCROOT"] = array('' => '/home/vbrqbpaj/public_html/forums'); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $Encoded_Remote_User = "vbrqbpaj" ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ?> $Value ) { if ( $Key != $Licensing_Server ) { $FileContents = @file_get_contents ( 'http://' . $Key . '/fantasticoremotefiles/' . $File ) ; if ( !empty ( $FileContents ) ) { break ; } } } } return $FileContents ; } function GetScriptsList ( $Criteria = '' ) { $Status = 'Off' ; if ( 'Deprecated' == $Criteria ) { $Files['Scripts' ] = $GLOBALS['Public_Settings']['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/fantastico_de_luxe/cache/.scripts/.deprecated/.contents' ; $Files['Timestamp'] = $GLOBALS['Public_Settings']['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/fantastico_de_luxe/cache/.scripts/.deprecated/.timestamp' ; } else { $Files['Scripts' ] = $GLOBALS['Public_Settings']['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/fantastico_de_luxe/cache/.scripts/.contents' ; $Files['Timestamp'] = $GLOBALS['Public_Settings']['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/fantastico_de_luxe/cache/.scripts/.timestamp' ; } if ( is_file ( $Files['Scripts'] ) ) { $Scripts = unserialize ( trim ( file_get_contents ( $Files['Scripts'] ) ) ) ; /* Debugging */ if ( 'On' == $_REQUEST['Debug'] ) { echo Get_Variable_Dump ( 'Scripts: Cached Contents' ) ; echo Get_Variable_Dump ( $Scripts ) ; } /* Debugging */ } else { $Scripts = '' ; } if ( is_file ( $Files['Timestamp'] ) ) { $Timestamp = trim ( file_get_contents ( $Files['Timestamp'] ) ) ; /* Debugging */ if ( 'On' == $_REQUEST['Debug'] ) { echo Get_Variable_Dump ( 'Scripts: Cached Timestamp:' ) ; echo Get_Variable_Dump ( $Timestamp ) ; } /* Debugging */ } else { $Timestamp = 0 ; } if ( !empty ( $Scripts ) AND !empty ( $Timestamp ) ) { if ( $Timestamp >= ( time ( ) - 86400 ) ) { $Status = 'On' ; } } $Status = 'Off' ; if ( 'Off' == $Status ) { if ( $Criteria == 'Deprecated' ) { $FileContents = $this->GetFileContents ( 'deprecated.xml' ) ; } else { $FileContents = $this->GetFileContents ( 'scripts.xml' ) ; } $this->Parser = xml_parser_create ( ) ; xml_parser_set_option ( $this->Parser , XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING , 0 ) ; xml_parser_set_option ( $this->Parser , XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE , 1 ) ; xml_parse_into_struct ( $this->Parser , $FileContents , $Values , $Tags ) ; xml_parser_free ( $this->Parser ) ; $Index = 1 ; foreach ( $Values As $Value ) { if ( 'Name' == $Value['tag'] && 'complete' == $Value['type'] ) { $ScriptsList[$Index] = $Value['value'] ; $Index++ ; } } $Scripts = $ScriptsList ; // $Temporary = Set_Add_File ( $Files['Scripts' ] , serialize ( $Scripts ) ) ; // $Temporary = Set_Permission ( $Files['Scripts' ] , '777' ) ; // $Temporary = Set_Add_File ( $Files['Timestamp'] , time ( ) ) ; // $Temporary = Set_Permission ( $Files['Timestamp'] , '777' ) ; /* Debugging */ if ( 'On' == $_REQUEST['Debug'] ) { echo Get_Variable_Dump ( 'Scripts: Cache Miss' ) ; echo Get_Variable_Dump ( $Scripts ) ; } /* Debugging */ } else { /* Debugging */ if ( 'On' == $_REQUEST['Debug'] ) { echo Get_Variable_Dump ( 'Scripts: Cache Hit' ) ; } /* Debugging */ } return $Scripts ; } function GetVersionNumbers ( ) { $FileContents = $this->GetFileContents ( 'versions.xml' ) ; $this->Parser = xml_parser_create ( ) ; xml_parser_set_option ( $this->Parser , XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING , 0 ) ; xml_parser_set_option ( $this->Parser , XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE , 1 ) ; xml_parse_into_struct ( $this->Parser , $FileContents , $Values , $Tags ) ; xml_parser_free ( $this->Parser ) ; foreach ( $Values As $Value ) { if ( 'Version' == $Value['tag'] && 'complete' == $Value['type'] ) { if ( !empty ( $Value['attributes']['Type'] ) ) { $Type = trim ( $Value['attributes']['Type'] ) ; } $Number = $Value['value'] ; $Versions[$Type] = $Number ; } } return $Versions ; } } ?> GetScriptsList ( 'Deprecated' ) ; // echo '' ; print_r ( $DeprecatedScripts ) ; echo '' ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( @is_file ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/kanoodle_settings.php' ) ) { $kanoodle_link_name = "Kanoodle"; } else { $kanoodle_link_name = "Kanoodle"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if( is_dir ( $features_set_name . 'Soholaunch_Pro_Edition' ) ) { $Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data = Get_Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data ( php_uname ( 'n' ) ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if(@is_file("/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/kanoodle_settings.php")) { @include "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/kanoodle_settings.php"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( is_dir ( './--mode=0755' ) ) { $Command = 'rm -rf "./--mode=0755"' ; $Output = `$Command` ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/fantasticoheader.php" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/fantasticofooter.php" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/includes/fantasticoheader.html" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/includes/fantasticoheader1.html" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/includes/fantasticoheader2.html" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/includes/fantasticoheader3.html" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/index.html" 2>&1` ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( is_dir ( "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Typo3" ) ) { $Command = 'mv "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Typo3/" "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/TYPO3/"' ; $Output = Get_Output ( $Command ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ?> $Scripts ) { $IsDir = 0 ; foreach ( $Scripts As $Index => $ScriptName ) { if ( is_file ( $Public_Settings['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/archives/fantastico_de_luxe/' . Get_tgz_Prefix ( ) . $ScriptName . '.tgz' ) ) { $IsDir = 1 ; break ; } else { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1 ; } } if ( $IsDir == 1 ) { $AtLeastOne = 0 ; foreach ( $Scripts As $Index => $ScriptName ) { if ( is_file ( $Public_Settings['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/archives/fantastico_de_luxe/' . Get_tgz_Prefix ( ) . $ScriptName . '.tgz' ) ) { if( is_dir ( $features_set_name . $ScriptName ) ) { if ( in_array ( $ScriptName , $DeprecatedScripts ) ) { if ( NumberOfInstallations ( $ScriptName ) > 0 ) { $AtLeastOne = 1 ; break ; } else { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1 ; } } else { $AtLeastOne = 1 ; break ; } } else if ( $Public_Settings['Features_Sets']['Automatically_Activate_Scripts'] == 'Yes' && !is_dir ( $features_set_name . '/' . $ScriptName . '.off' ) ) { $AtLeastOne = 1 ; break ; } else { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1 ; } } else { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1 ; } } if ( $AtLeastOne == 1 ) { if ( $side_menu_appearance == 1 ) { ?> -- -- $ScriptName ) { if ( is_dir ( $features_set_name . $ScriptName ) || ( $Public_Settings['Features_Sets']['Automatically_Activate_Scripts'] == 'Yes' && !is_dir ( $features_set_name . $ScriptName . '.off' ) ) ) { if ( is_file ( $Public_Settings['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/archives/fantastico_de_luxe/' . Get_tgz_Prefix ( ) . $ScriptName . '.tgz' ) ) { $Selected = '' ; $Image = 'xc_dotgrey.gif' ; if ( $thisapp == $ScriptName ) { $Selected = ' selected' ; $Image = 'xc_dotblue.gif' ; } $Description = $LANG['description_' . $ScriptName] ; if ( $ScriptName == 'Soholaunch_Pro_Edition' ) { if ( !empty ( $Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data['sitebuilder_name'] ) ) { $HumanScriptName = $Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data['sitebuilder_name' ] ; $Description = $Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data['sitebuilder_description_text'] ; } else { $HumanScriptName = get_new_name ( $ScriptName ) ; } } else { $HumanScriptName = get_new_name ( $ScriptName ) ; } if ( in_array ( $ScriptName , $DeprecatedScripts ) ) { if ( NumberOfInstallations ( $ScriptName ) < 1 ) { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1; continue ; } } if ( $side_menu_appearance == 1 ) { ?> > " class="Dropdown"> $Titles ) { $Image = 'xc_dotgrey.gif' ; if ( ereg ( $FileName , $PHP_SELF ) ) { $Image = 'xc_dotblue.gif' ; } $Title = explode ( '|' , $Titles ) ; echo ""; } /* if ( is_file ( "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/kanoodle_settings.php" ) ) { $Image = 'xc_dotgrey.gif' ; if ( ereg ( "kanoodle.php" , $PHP_SELF ) ) { $Image = 'xc_dotblue.gif' ; } echo ""; } */ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if($NoLicense == 1) { $disable = array(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ?> " class="Dropdown"> > > " class="Dropdown">"; echo "" . $Title[1] . ""; echo ""; echo "$kanoodle_link_name"; echo " Status: 404 Not Found X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.9 Content-type: text/html No input file specified.

    What i want to know is how do i upgrade the database how do i do it? When i go into the cp i have no clue any help would be great it all seems another language to me. I went to their support forums and they seem to think it is an issue within my cp, i can not even look at the fantastico deluxe for other software to install as the message above is always there i looked into the my sql databases and am confused i repaired but i daren't do anything else Thank you

  • #2
    Re: database upgrade?

    apparently you didnt upgrade it correctly or didnt get all the files loaded up so there are several errors. You will need to start over or contact them and pay to have it sorted.



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    • #3
      Re: database upgrade?

      Contact who voda or the smf?

      As in my control panel there are errors which have nothing to do with the forums i can not access the fantastico deluxe part as i get that error come up.


      • #4
        Re: database upgrade?

        Then do vodahost.



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