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redirecting an addon domain

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  • redirecting an addon domain

    I was wondering the following and all my searches thus far have only confused me more...

    I found a really great new website name that will probably give me more hits and better ranking because it's more relevant to my business products. If I purchase it as an addon domain (and will not be creating any pages) and then redirect it to my main domain so when it shows up in search results as it will send them to Will SE think I am misleading people and lower my ranking or de-index me completely even if I make the redirect server based through C-panel?

    If this is an accessible method that doesn't negatively affect my main domain, can I redirect 3 sites that are pretty much to or will that many redirects light a red light for the SEs?

    I ask because it seems that my thought process might be pushing the SEs buttons a little too far however, if this is not possible because it is on the shady side, can I create 1-3 new sites that will be independent of one another yet related to each other under a "conglomerate" company such as is now a partner with a link. Is this link building legit?

    I'm an amateur at this and I really do not know the internet/SEs moral system which I do want to follow but I do not know their so called "10 commandments". :)

    Thanks in advance,
    Mr. Big Paw
    Somewhere in the CO mountains
    Big Paw Services

  • #2
    Re: redirecting an addon domain

    Re-directing, or more importantly "fowarding" a domain does not add nor detract values to the domain being forwarded .... it is done at the DOMAIN level as FOWARD DOMAIN and not as an "add-on domain" re-direct (which makes no sense, really, for Forwarding a domain is merely taking the place of DNS info, whereas an add-on domain suggests a hosted site): the Search Engines will not "find" anything specifically published to the domain to value, and although the values attributed to the domain being directed to will neither be detracted nor elevated from a domain being forwarded to it, all values will remain solely that domain's, which all values are directly due to real valid pages being published to it, which is why those hard values appear in Search results.

    There will be no "mirroring" of content attributable to the domain being forwarded: it will be active, surely, but as far as the SE's are concerned, it is invisible. This is why you must carefully choose "lesser valued" domains to forward to a more valued domain (use the "searchable" domains to catch visitors via their Search Entries to feed to a Main site). Search Results will display the URL of the forwarded domain only if the key words are in the domain, and the Results shown will be pulled from the destination domain if the keywords also apply.

    You question regarding the "legitimacy" of forwarding being transparent to Visitors and how that affects confidence and other aspects? I personally believe that Search Users are more concerned with getting results, a lot of results, and that those results returned are accurate and rich. Since the destination site is the source of any results, this only underscores the intracacies of SEO on the hosted site and the overall finesse of strategically using specifically named domains and KW and Composed Content to produce the Net Presence to full potential. Not a task for the easily distracted or the short-sighted, for sure.

    Although there is no set Rule as to how many domains may be forwarded to a single site, I personally feel that any more than 2-3 will most likely flag the SE's into thinking the stable site is a "Collector" and may put a filter on it unwarranted. This is never good, so I try to anticipate avoiding any resemblence of infringement on the old Rules regarding sub-Domains and how they were once the anathema of web design, and the restrictions only recently relaxed. (Sub-Domains used to be cranked out by spammers and distributors of garbage, and the SE's totally de-valued them for the longest of times, only to relax them as people caiught on how to develop Content and apply optimization properly in the light of average domains becoming scarcer and scarcer as so many people purchased domains. There had to be a better way to maintain some thread of relevancy between the sites, and thus falling back onto sub-domains and the relaxing of Rules).

    Another Discussion on Sub-Domains, to Add Context

    All that being said .... if in fact your "question" was more focused on actually creating "similar" add-on domain websites (which are careful to not appear whatsoever as too similar to be seen as counterfeit, cloned, or spammy) and simply have links to a Main or Parent site to show "partnership" or "group status" then you need to be very aware of the Rules that definitely DO pertain with regard to how they are not simply "backlinks" but are actually seen differently by Google and the other Search Engines:

    1. Creating links to sites within the same hosting account is fraught with restrictions, as this is most often considered as "Google Bowling" or "Google Bombing" or even "Interlinking" ... which is usually seen as a false manner to elevate a site's ranking by adding frivilous links within the same account, much as the abuse was applied to sub-domains. View My PDF on Black Hat SEO Methods to Avoid

    2. Links from sub-domains to add-on or Primary domains is frowned upon, due to the tendency for them to falsely elevate sub's by applying a simple metric already acceptable for value baselines. However, sub-domains may benefit from links directed to them, and this too, must be applied with care.

    3. In truth, an Add-On Domain is still considered to be a hyper-developed sub-domain since it "shares" the single Public Directory of the Primary Domain: even though an add-on has it's own public_html/ directory, all add-on's are "nested" within the Primary server structure. The fact Add-On's have a Public Directory and a hard-defined domain generated traffic URL (by the fact the domain has an extension) helps tremendously to MIMIC (not qualify 100%) a true Primary domain as if it was in a hosting account of it's own, which is why it is important to follow all the Construct and simple Optimization Rules and methods precisely to further advance the distinction between it and a sub-domain in the eyes of the SE's.

    4. The basics about "Back Linking" must be heeded at all times, especially when dealing with Add-On's and sub's. The number applied must be still be modest, and the origin site rank must be complimentary to the destination site rank in addition to the similarity of Content complimentation. This link strategy is not as simple as most think, for it requires you to not only compose your sites with real precision, but to properly analyze the linked sites to determine the reality of rank and metric values.

    So ... with all these considerations, you should have a better understanding of not only how to Forward a domain properly, but how the relationships between Primary, Add-On, and Sub-Domains plays a real dynamic part in a properly designed SEO straegy. I hope, that is. If I have confused you more than benefited you, use the link in my signature to continue the discussion in private so a real solution can be provided!
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • #3
      Re: redirecting an addon domain

      Wow, great info! I hope this benefits others as well. Will contact you shortly.
      Mr. Big Paw
      Somewhere in the CO mountains
      Big Paw Services


      • #4
        Re: redirecting an addon domain

        I got it, but cannot reply since I forgot to add an Email field in the Contact Form! Doh! It has since been updated, so either shoot me another, or I will reach out via Facebook (we're still connected, aren't we?).
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • #5
          Re: redirecting an addon domain

          We are still friends on Facebook. (My email is my first name and my website domain)

          Glad you discovered the email field. The obvious hides from me all the time. Took me a few second to understand what you meant because it's the "hidden obvious". :)
          Mr. Big Paw
          Somewhere in the CO mountains
          Big Paw Services


          • #6
            Re: redirecting an addon domain

            Well, Alrighty then! Gimme a minute ... I'll send you something!
            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
            * Success Is Potential Realized *

