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open html in space on index page

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  • VodaHost
    No problem, glad it works!

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  • Rob(SA)
    Thanks so much for your assistance - the changes seem to work perfectly.

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  • VodaHost
    It seems that the slide menu script code interferes with the attempts to link to the iframe in your page, so you would have to use a different link type. When creating the link, select http for the link type, enter the URL of the page you wish to update into the frame, for instance:


    Then set the target to the name you have given to the iframe, to name the iframe double click on it, and the first box is the name, change this to something you can easily remember.

    Save the page, then publish, when you click the navigation button it should populate the new page in the iframe.

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  • Rob(SA)
    Thank you for your response and the idea.

    I have looked at navaldesign example. I have a menu that is set up however I need the links to target the iframe (inlineframe1). When editing using slide menu properties it however does not allow me to make that selection, that is to create the target, to the iframe, it has other options which i don't know enough about at this stage. Perhaps it has to do with the link type?

    I think help on creating the code to direct to iframe would help

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  • VodaHost
    Have a look at the below:

    Know a great BlueVoda (or Web design) tip or trick? Share it with the world here. Become famous for your brilliance! Please, No Questions or Problems!

    I believe this is what you are trying to do?

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  • Rob(SA)
    Hi - Thanks for the reply.

    When I select an option on my menu items - I would want the viewer to see the response happen in a white space on the index page. What I have at the moment is an iframe with a direct link to a page. This needs to change when a selection is made.

    I hope this helps

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  • VodaHost
    Do you mean you want the new page to open in a pop up window or in a new window within your browser?

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  • Rob(SA)
    started a topic open html in space on index page

    open html in space on index page

    Hi Folks,

    I have created an index page on my website ( and using pulldown menus I would like the action to be that the selection opens a html file in an open space.

    Can you help / advise?

    Regards Rob
