I’ve seen in many posts that members of the forum are asking for a “Tell a Friend” script, so I thought I could prepare one, using Bluevoda.
The script itself consists of two parts: the visual part, which is a simple form built directly in Bluevoda, and the processing script which is built in php. The script is called “TAF.php” .
To see, test and download all necessary material please click here.
These are the instructions for installing our TAF script. Please follow to the letter, to avoid errors. The procedure is quite simple, and it only involves publishing the relevant pages on your site, and uploading through FTP or File Manager, the TAF.php file that is required to send the mail.
By following these steps, the TAF form will appear in a popup, leaving the original page as it is. However, you can also implement the form directly in your pages, as explained in step 4.
Step 1.
You will find 5 .bvp files in this zip. They are:
1. TAFemailerror.bvp
2. TAFspamerror.bvp
3. TAFreturn.bvp
4. TAFform.bvp
5. TAFbuttons.bvp
Open pages 1 – 3 in BV. Customize colours if you wish. Save the pages and publish them on your site.
Open page 4 in BV. Customize colours if you wish. Now, double click on the form. The form includes two hidden fields: Subject and Mailbody.
Double click on the first hidden field (Subject) and change it to whatever you want your mail subject to be, i.e. “ Found an interesting site! ”
Double click on the second hidden field (Mailbody), and change it to whatever you want your mailbody to be, i.e. “ I have found this site to be very interesting. Click on www.dbtechnosystems.com to visit! “.
As you see, in the mailbody, you must include the link to your site.
The rest of the form settings is already setup by us:
Action: TAF.php
Encoding: multipart / formdata
Method = POST
Ok, now you SAVE your form (as TAFform) and publish it.
Step 2.
Upload on the server, using either FTP or File Manager, the “ TAF.php “ file that you have found in the zip. No editing is required.
Step 3.
Now you need to place in your pages, a TAF button. Open the “ TAFbuttons “ page that came with the zip, and open your own page as well.
Copy whichever TAF button you like, and simply paste it in your own page. Save your page and publish it. Test it ! Please note that it will only work when published, not in preview.
If you wish to use a button of your own or one you have found in the VodaHost TAF Buttons Library , you will need to link it to the script. To do so, in BV, click on the TAF button, and when the Image Properties dialog box appears, click on Link, then in the URL field, paste the following code:
#" onClick="window.open('TAFform.html', '','width=310,height=170'); return false;"
That’s all. Save your page and publish it. Test it !
Step 4. Only read if you don’t want the TAF form in a popup
You can implement the TAF form directly in your pages. To do so, just copy the form in your page. Customize it as explained in step 1. You will also need to modify the TAFemailerror.bvp, TAFspamerror.bvp, and TAFreturn.bvp to become full size pages. Save and publish them.
That’s all !
Please note that I have put a “Hi $friendname” as a salute before the mailbody.
If you need further information or clarifications, please contact me here
The script itself consists of two parts: the visual part, which is a simple form built directly in Bluevoda, and the processing script which is built in php. The script is called “TAF.php” .
To see, test and download all necessary material please click here.
These are the instructions for installing our TAF script. Please follow to the letter, to avoid errors. The procedure is quite simple, and it only involves publishing the relevant pages on your site, and uploading through FTP or File Manager, the TAF.php file that is required to send the mail.
By following these steps, the TAF form will appear in a popup, leaving the original page as it is. However, you can also implement the form directly in your pages, as explained in step 4.
Step 1.
You will find 5 .bvp files in this zip. They are:
1. TAFemailerror.bvp
2. TAFspamerror.bvp
3. TAFreturn.bvp
4. TAFform.bvp
5. TAFbuttons.bvp
Open pages 1 – 3 in BV. Customize colours if you wish. Save the pages and publish them on your site.
Open page 4 in BV. Customize colours if you wish. Now, double click on the form. The form includes two hidden fields: Subject and Mailbody.
Double click on the first hidden field (Subject) and change it to whatever you want your mail subject to be, i.e. “ Found an interesting site! ”
Double click on the second hidden field (Mailbody), and change it to whatever you want your mailbody to be, i.e. “ I have found this site to be very interesting. Click on www.dbtechnosystems.com to visit! “.
As you see, in the mailbody, you must include the link to your site.
The rest of the form settings is already setup by us:
Action: TAF.php
Encoding: multipart / formdata
Method = POST

Ok, now you SAVE your form (as TAFform) and publish it.
Step 2.
Upload on the server, using either FTP or File Manager, the “ TAF.php “ file that you have found in the zip. No editing is required.
Step 3.
Now you need to place in your pages, a TAF button. Open the “ TAFbuttons “ page that came with the zip, and open your own page as well.
Copy whichever TAF button you like, and simply paste it in your own page. Save your page and publish it. Test it ! Please note that it will only work when published, not in preview.
If you wish to use a button of your own or one you have found in the VodaHost TAF Buttons Library , you will need to link it to the script. To do so, in BV, click on the TAF button, and when the Image Properties dialog box appears, click on Link, then in the URL field, paste the following code:
#" onClick="window.open('TAFform.html', '','width=310,height=170'); return false;"

That’s all. Save your page and publish it. Test it !
Step 4. Only read if you don’t want the TAF form in a popup
You can implement the TAF form directly in your pages. To do so, just copy the form in your page. Customize it as explained in step 1. You will also need to modify the TAFemailerror.bvp, TAFspamerror.bvp, and TAFreturn.bvp to become full size pages. Save and publish them.
That’s all !
Please note that I have put a “Hi $friendname” as a salute before the mailbody.
If you need further information or clarifications, please contact me here