How to Edit a Form

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  • ricksayers
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    OK gang. Here's an easy one (I hope). I neglected to add a submit button
    on my forms. How do I edit the forms to add the button. I have watched the tutorial, but it doesn't cover adding the button.


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  • navaldesign
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Please note that BV11 (which has the login tools) is still BETA so there are no tutorials yet. Further more there are some issues that still need to be fixed before you can use BV11 for production purposes.

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  • GG3K
    How to set up 'register' and 'log in' forms

    was hoping you could help me. I have been using BlueVoda to build a website and it's going well, except that I can't seem to set up 'memebers only' area, using register and log-in forms.
    This is really important for my site, so any information/help you can offer would be greatly appreciated!

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  • dasmoon
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Will do and thanks again will blow out the thankyou page and lay it out as before and enter the necessary form controls inside the form. Again Thank you.

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  • navaldesign
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    As you are saying yourself, you are using the built in form processor. This processor doesn't have the ability to send autoresponder email or store the data in the database.
    You need to use ABVFP for this.
    If ABVFP is already installed and the forms were already setup in ABVFP's control panel, then you simply need to change the forms action and include the necessary "Formid" hidden field.

    If not, you need to do whatever necessary as per ABVFP Manual.

    Repeating here the ABVFP instructions, is meaningless. Just open the Manual (Tutorial) folder in the ABVFP zip and read carefully how to set it up and use it.

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  • dasmoon
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    If I want to updated the Database from the form what is the procedure. I followed the ABVFP instructions on setting up the Database and forms. The internal setting of built in form are:[ Form processing = use built-in PHP;
    email my email addr., Success URL = /thankyou_page.html Error URL = /errorpage.html, I was under the impression that the new BV would handle the form into ABVFP methodolgy. Had all working before the reorg of website. (I am receiving mail from the contact pages but that is all that is working.) any suggestions on how I can get my sites back to normal?

    Thanks Navaldesign

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  • navaldesign
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Not sure what you mean.

    The built in form processor doesn't send autoresponder email to the visitor, NOR does it update any database.

    So please clarify what you mean with your post.

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  • dasmoon
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Have a problem with two sites with contact form not sending thank you responses to sender and database not being updates or referenced at all. Need assistance's on this please. Site pages are and (pages: mailform and mailform1.

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  • navaldesign
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Not without a link to your page so we can look what might be wrong.

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  • rians
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Can anyone help me with my last post?

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  • rians
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Hi, it does now ask me for the information, but I still don't seem to be able to handle numbers. I am requesting a phone number in one of the fields. I have set the input at the top to text, but at data type I selected digits and I also selected a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 10 characters. Now when I enter the number, it just gives me the custom error message I created.

    Is there anything I am missing?

    The rest is working great now.

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  • navaldesign
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Please look at post just above: your form name should not contain any white spaces (in example: "contact form" is wrong, "contact_form" is ok.)
    as white spaces break the Javascript built in validation.

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  • rians
    Re: How to Edit a Form


    I have used the form manager to make a simple form and used the PHP option in the manager. It works perfectly and the info is sent to my designated email address.

    I do have a problem though that in the fields where information is required, if I don't put any information in, it still accepts the form submission.

    Also, one of the boxes I defined as being number and even indicated how many characters are required. However it accepts any input even letters or it can be left blank and the form can still be sent.

    How can I ensure that the required fields must be completed and that it must also be given the required type of info.


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  • navaldesign
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    Because you have named your form "email form"

    Remove the whitespace from the name, make it "emailform" or "email_form" and it will work.

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  • lalletti
    Re: How to Edit a Form

    ooops, now I extended the form field but I get email even if the text I enter in the email field is not in a correct email format!!!

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