Form Maker Pro 4

- Create professional web forms in minutes.
- Intuitive interface with a WYSIWYG form editor.
- Automatic configuration and preset fields.
- Editable templates that store data in MySQL DB
- HTML and plain text emails.
- Plus much, much more…
Form Maker Pro is the premier application for creating great looking forms for your website. With its powerful intuitive interface you can easily build dozens of attractive forms. Creating forms has NEVER been so easy and fast.
Moreover, Form Maker Pro contains presets and templates, so you can have a form up and running in minutes!
- Benefits of Form Maker Pro
If a web site has no web forms to encourage interactive communications with visitors, it misses any opportunity to pay off. If there are web forms, but no Form Maker Pro, there is still a way to unleash your web site potential. Form Maker Pro is a powerful product that enlivens forms on a web site, collecting visitors’ feedbacks, orders, assessments and any other information. Take a look at our list of benefits and we’re sure you’ll see that Form Processor Pro is by far the best, most-complete form processing software for your website.
- Learn what your customers/ site visitors need:
collect all visitors’ feedbacks and other information in a single searchable MySQL database. Send form submissions to email addresses of your choice, set up rules and conditions
- Improve service:
Show customized ‘thank you’ message to visitors who filled information into forms on your web site. Send great-looking auto-response messages.
- Ensure high security standards.
Ensure the information is not visible to anyone else: data encryption and secure protocol supported, email harvesting protection embedded
- Increase site conversion.
Register members on your web site with registration form. Sell products and subscriptions with an order form that supports calculations
Features List
- Create web forms without programming knowledge
Form Maker Pro brings you the power of web technologies. Using its intuitive interface you will be able to create and customize web forms as if you knew HTML, Java Script, and CSS.
- WYSIWYG form editor (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get)
Create web forms with Form Maker Pro form editor, and you will have full control over forms layout and design.
- Advanced Form Processor functionality
Professional form processor functions set Form Maker Pro apart from other form generator products. Once you create and customize web forms, you set form processing and data storage options without leaving friendly visual interface.
- Operations on groups
Maximum comfort when working with multiple sites, forms and logs, since standard operations can be applied to a group of elements.
- Secure and reliable
The Form Maker Pro application will run from your server, therefore it will not depend on third party web sites or services. Also, Form Maker Pro can work via SSL protocol providing high security of data transmission.
Form Design and Form Editing features
- Visual form editor
Form Builder Pro contains a visual tool to create web forms, set up and modify field settings, enter formatted text, insert pictures, split text to columns and more.
- Create any web forms
Using Form Maker Pros visual form editor, you can easily create web forms for any purpose: from feedback and contact forms, to evaluation forms, multi page online applications, surveys and order forms with math calculations.
- Set Required Fields
Use Form Maker Pro to quickly set required form fields. Any text fields, radio buttons, drop-down and multiple select fields can be configured as ‘required’.
- Automatically generated Preview Page
A web form can be configured to display a preview page, which contains all form data grouped by form pages, and total values of all calculations. When a preview page is displayed, a web visitor can review and confirm data submission, or cancel it.
- Automatic form uploading
Use Form Maker Pro to create and set up web forms with a few clicks, skipping time consuming operations with FTP. Web forms are being automatically uploaded to the web site where Form Builder Pro is located. Anytime later you can move those forms to another URL.
- Create web forms from presets
Create forms using available presets that include email templates, log templates, ‘preview’ page and ‘thank you’ page. The presets are designed to implement the common form tasks, such as feedback form, order form or a shopping cart. Prior to creating a preset form, you can preview it and make necessary changes.
- Edit group of web forms at one time
Form Maker Pro allows operations to be performed on a group of forms. It includes editing background color of selected forms, style of form title, form text, form borders and more. Without manual CSS editing, you will be able to create forms that fit your web site design. Dynamic preview is available for all changes.
- Multiple Page Forms
Form Maker Pro allows to change succession of pages in a multi page forms. In addition, multi page forms can be configured to save or email data upon a certain number of accomplished steps.
- Automatic web site name validation
When you are adding your web site name to Form Maker Pro, it checks if the site name exists. If this domain name is inactive, a corresponding message will be shown, preventing possible errors in the future.
- Supports forms created with other software products
Form Maker Pro allows you to adopt web forms created in Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft Frontpage and many other html and form editors.
- Environment Variables
Form Maker Pro allows to store the following common environmental data: date and time of the submission, visitor’s IP address, visitor’s host name, referring page name, and many other.
- Informative Reports
Comprehensive reports contain statistics on quantity of web sites, web forms, and data logs in Data Storage. In addition you will be able to see number of pages in web forms, ‘preview’ and ‘thank you’ pages, as well as the number of email templates and log templates.
- Informative Reports
Comprehensive reports contain statistics on quantity of web sites, web forms, and data logs in Data Storage. In addition you will be able to see number of pages in web forms, ‘preview’ and ‘thank you’ pages, as well as the number of email templates and log templates.
- Success page / ‘Thank you’ page and redirect
Configure From Maker Pro to display success page (‘thank you’ page) upon successful form submission or redirect a web visitor to a web page of your choice. You can edit text, design and formatting of success page in your favorite html editor, as well as create one with help of Form Maker Pro’s built-in visual html editor.
- Ability to create online order forms and online subscription forms
Form Maker Pro has unlimited possibilities!
Form Processing and Data Storage Features
- Data Storage and MySQL support
By default, Form Maker Pro stores all information in MySQL database. In addition, Form Maker Pro provides access to Data Storage, a powerful center for data management. Information the users submit using web forms can be displayed in logs, which are grouped by web sites and forms. List of Data Storage features include filters, sorting, advanced search, export selected data to CSV format, operation with groups, adding comments to each form submission.
- File Attachments
You can allow web site visitors to attach files along with data submission. Very useful for RFP forms (request for proposal) and many other business uses. In addition, Form Maker Pro allows to configure predefined file attachments.
- Multiple Email sending
Using easily configurable email templates, you can specify Form Maker Pro to send selected form data to any number of emails. Supports CC and BCC sending.
- HTML and Plain text emails supported
Using email templates you can easily choose format of email messages: HTML or plain text.
- Intelligent Data verification
During each form submission Form Maker Pro automatically performs data verification. First, it checks if all required form fields are filled. Second, it verifies if form fields data meet predefined format. It is important that data check and verification does not require reloading web page, consequently no data is lost. When there occurs any discrepancy, web visitor will be shown instructions.
- Configure “stop processing this form by” date
Form Maker Pro allows to set up a deadline date for submissions, when it will stop processing selected form(s).
- Choose to allow unique form submissions only
In web form preferences you can check the box to restrict data submissions to one submission for each unique IP address, so a visitor of your web site will be allowed to fill the form only once.
- Security plus email harvesting protection
You can specify what forms & sites are allowed to use the script, and the stored email addresses are not reachable for the email harvesting spambots.
- Easy email templates creating
Ability to create email templates using presets for auto responders and notifications. Preset email templates have a dynamic data set, and you won’t need to do any changes when you modify your form. For the non-preset templates, you don’t have to learn by heart the form fields, type of data, variables etc., because all necessary values are accessible on the template editing page.
- Return Input to visitor
Control over fully customizable templates, see templates feature.
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