Sweet Plugin: Improve the DFW editor with Fullscreen Preview Button

Fullscreen Preview Button is a simple little WordPress plugin that solves a problem I’ve been annoyed by for a while. It adds a preview button to the distraction free writing editor so you don’t have to exit out of the view in order to see what you’ve written on your site. Alex King released this plugin on the WordPress.org plugin directory, which is where you should grab it if you’ve ever had this problem with the distraction free writing editor. Do you have any favorite plugins designed to tweak and improve the distraction free writing editor in WordPress? Do you use the fullscreen editor as often as I do? You just finished reading Sweet Plugin: Improve the DFW editor with Fullscreen Preview Button on WPCandy . Please consider leaving a comment! The post Sweet Plugin: Improve the DFW editor with Fullscreen Preview Button appeared first on WPCandy .

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