Tag Archives: TSI

Taylor Scott International Opens Mombasa Office

Taylor Scott International (TSI) is proud to announce that its second office in Kenya will be fully operating  as of March the 1st 2015 in the Kenyan port city of Mombasa. The new TSI office is located in City Mall … Continue reading

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Taylor Scott International Land Investments

I received a phone call from Taylor Scott International around two years ago, it is the first time I heard of this company. They were inviting me to one of their seminars that I immediately declined, simply because I never … Continue reading

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Taylor Scott International sources prime UK land

Strategic Land Investing works along a simple concept but with some strict rules that must be followed for success. Companies such as Taylor Scott International source prime land then divide it up into plots making them affordable for the small … Continue reading

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Taylor Scott International Five Rules of Real Estate Investment

Taylor Scott International defines by Investor Words as “A piece of land, including the air above it and the ground below it, and any buildings or structures on it, also called realty”. That of course is the permanent value on … Continue reading

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