VodaHost Affiliate Update!

web hosting love

Calling All Affiliates

We are excited to announce that we’ve made a few changes to the VodaHost Affiliate Partner program that we want to share with you. Our updates make it even easier and even more fun to make money promoting VodaHost via our Affiliate Partner Program; we have all new marketing materials and a Terms Of Service change that shouldn’t be missed.

Brand New Banners!

We have provided 70+ new animated and static banners to add to your site. Whatever the nature of your site, you are sure to find a banner to suit.

To ultimate web hostingaccess your all new banners (just like this one!) and other promotional materials visit VodaGold.com and sign in. The new banners are available to you in the Marketing Materials section: Just click on Banners in the menu on the left.

Self-Purchases: Earn commissions on your own purchases!

The VodaHost Affiliate Program will, for the first time, now also fully pay commissions on self-purchases!

What this means is, from now on, our affiliate referral program will award you $70 just for taking up an annually billed VodaHost web hosting account by clicking on your own affiliate link! It gets better too; you will be awarded further commissions on any web hosting package that you take up yourself or on behalf of any 3rd party.

Click here to create your VodaHost Affiliate Partner account!

Always Rebrand ‘The Secrets…’!

Don’t The Secrets To Promoting Your Website Onlineforget that you can also rebrand our free PDF report, “The Secrets To Promoting Your Website Online” with your very own affiliate link. There are plenty of links to VodaHost and BlueVoda in the report and changing them to your own affiliate link means that anyone you share the report with will be cookied and tracked as your affiliate referral (as will anyone they share it with). Cool huh?

Viral marketing is a powerful way to promote VodaHost and ‘The Secrets…’ PDF contains invaluable web hosting and promotion information. It is the sort of thing that will naturally be shared by it’s readers.

You should make sure you stay posted for updates to the report and don’t forget to rebrand and share the report to maximize your earnings.

About VodaGold

If you are unfamiliar with the program, the VodaHost Affiliate Partner Program is a terrific way to make money.

The rewards are fantastic, the workload is very small and best of all absolutely ANYBODY can become a VodaHost affiliate marketer and really enjoy the benefits. It’s totally free to join, our affiliate tracking software is cutting-edge and some of our affiliates are making small fortunes from the program. The simple truth is the rewards from the VodaHost affiliate partner program far outweigh any costs (because there simply aren’t any!). All you need is a VodaHost affiliate account and a website and/or an e-mail address and you’re all set.

I look forward to doing business with you.

Always at your service.

Brad Costello
Your Website People!

P.S. If you are not a VodaHost Affiliate Partner yet…Click Here to become one now. You will love it!

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